View Full Version : fibromyalgia?

25-03-10, 00:47
I am just curious about how many people have this. I was recently diagnosed. The doctor was VERY nice about it. But, I do sense that this is an anxiety related syndrome. I just know that my fibromyalgia symptoms began right around the same time that my anxiety symptoms began. The symptoms seem to overlap. Has anyone else been diagnosed with this, and if so, does anyone have any coping tips? I am trying to maintain a good perspective, and not feel like a total invalid, but it is hard... Anyone have any thoughts on this? Thanks.

25-03-10, 04:20
yep, we are one and the same. I also notice that my entire body aches horribly after a panic. I feel like its the chicken and the egg sort of thing. Anxiety makes fibro worse and fibro makes anxiety worse. I am also really interested in the connection between the mind and the body. No one can convince me that my pains are all in my head, because they are bad enough to make me cringe sometimes, and they do respond to pain meds. But I REALLY believe that our bodies often respond to emotional and/or psychological stress in a purely physical way. Its kinda like migraines. It is absolutely a real condition, but at the same time it does tend to occure more when a person is stressed physically or mentally.

25-03-10, 12:19
What symptoms actually were used to diagnose firbro? My aunt has it and said I would know if I did. I exp burning sensations on my skin suddenly I did read it could be a symptom of fibro? But I do have anxiety.

25-03-10, 13:17
So do u think just experiencing burning skin sensations would be enough? I do not have extremem muscle aches? Thanks

25-03-10, 13:57
You also exp'd burning sensations? Please tell me where and what they are like. Mine started with an increase of anxiety in my life (house for sale, started own business) I did go to my dr & nuero both seem to think anxiety. And I was doing GREAT with it up until now. Stinks I thought I was over it.