View Full Version : STD, Cheating Boyfriend?

25-03-10, 09:04
Me and my boyfriend together for 3 years have had recent problems, hes been itchy sore and swollen and ive been getting itchy, and alot of discharge down there, now i can put my hands up and say i havn't cheated on him but im worried hes may of cheated on me, because we're both sore down there and im really worried on two parts, what it could be and has he cheated on me? I dont think he would be like that but we've been sleeping with eachover for 2 years and now we've both got this all of a sudden. Im going to the doctors today but i was hoping for some replies of what it could be or if anybody else has ever had this before.


25-03-10, 09:16
Hey there

I would say the best thing to do is get yourselves down to your GUM clinic and get it looked at. Don't jump to any conclusions, could be thrush to be honest.

I hope it goes OK, I do sympathise


25-03-10, 09:44
The doctor will tell you what kind of infection it is. Some, like thrush, are recurring. Thrush often returns at times of stress, so it could be an old infection. Some infections can take time before they show up. You wont know until you get the test results back.

He has to go to the doctor too, or he'll just reinfect you again.

I recommend going to a sexual health clinic for a full range of tests. If you got one STD you might have more. In Britain it's free and confidential. Most are drop-in.

You need to talk about this with your boyfriend. He might confess. Don't press him, how would you feel if he accused you with out a reason.

If you think he infected you when you get the test results back, that is the time to confront him. Remember you are strong enough to deal with this. Even if he has had sex with someone else he may regret it. In which case you can discuss if you both want to stay together.

Good Luck. Stay strong.

Cell block H fan
25-03-10, 09:47
I wouldn't jump to conclusions until you get the results. I thought I had an STD before, had all the tests done & they were all clear. The symptoms never had a reason & went away on their own in the end. Was a strange time. I had just split with someone, so there was no accusing, but thankfully I didn't accuse him really, as there was no STD anyway.