View Full Version : really need help today

25-03-10, 10:00
Hi everyone, i am really really struggling today about a constant muscle twitch in my shin, i can actually see it twitching under the skin and is doing it every couple of minutes, i have been twitching now for about 12 months but it is always so random never in the same place but today for some reason it is in the same place, i now and convinced that my ms theory was right as i also cant stop going to the toilet for a wee, im supposed to be meeting a friend today but have cancelled as i cant stand the thought of going and being so worried,

25-03-10, 10:08
Oh you poor thing, i see how upset you are by your post. What has helped you to be calm, when it was happening before? Nothing wrong with going to the loo alot, everyone does that when they are anxious xx

25-03-10, 10:12
Hi rebecca,
You know that sounds like a pinched nerve to me it's quite common and the constant going to the loo is probably just the anxiety kicking in.
Try and take your mind off it, have a nice warm drink and try to relax a little.

take care

ps:bananas are a good muscle relaxant because of the potassium in them

25-03-10, 10:29
Hi rebecca,
I also need help today, feel low 1st time since summer last year.

We can always find sometjing to worry about and throw us in anxiety, panic and depression.

Hope you get over it soon.

25-03-10, 11:27
Hi OP,
Muscle twitches are very common, it can be a tiered muscle, or sometimes people just get them for no reason. I have had these for many years, 9 or 10. One thing I have found that helps, is Vit B12 either as an injection or as a tab Methyl B12. Try not to worry this in its self can cause all sorts of problems,


25-03-10, 13:04
Hi Rebecca,
I'm not going to tell you not to worry because I know, first hand, what your going through. You are really scared of having MS. I mean REALLY scared. Tell me if I'm wrong, but I'd almost bet my house on it. This fear , which = anxiety is making your muscle twitch. I'll tell you again.... Your fear of MS is fuelling your muscle twitches.

Like me your a hyperchrondraic. Thinking that everything you feel that is a little out of the ordinary is some fatal or debilitating disease. Guess what! If the Dr has said it's not then ...... It's not!

The hardest thing you can do to helpyourself right now is to start to accept that withyour anxiety symptoms will appear. I'll give you one short story of my own experience.

Towards the end of last year I was a anxious mess. Work was busy, my wife was expecting our first child. I had a number of twitches going on in my body, especially my right tricept. ( upper arm ) along with constant tight stomach muscles. I thought it was MS along with a number of other nasties.. I also put it down to posture at work at my desk, my back might be out etc etc etc. You know the story.
More trips to the psych, Dr, herbalist, physio, chiropractor gave me no relief except for the psych telling me to read a book. This book told me and showed me what I was going through and how to beat it. But I didn't buy it straight away.
Acceptance was the key.!!!!!
So my wife had the baby and I had 8 weeks off with her.. And after a few weeks the muscles started to stop twitching but my tight tummy muscles stayed.I don't need the book, I just needed a holiday.....
So as the date to go back to work lumed ever so close my anxiety levels started going up. And the day I started the tricept muscle started twithing like crazy. I finaly bought the book. It saved me from spiralling down a very long drain...
If you want to know the name of the book, then message me... I dont want to seem like I'm selling the book for commercial reasons but what it did for me was amazing. It's a different type of CBT..
If you or anyone else wants to know the name then you can message me or if I get enough replies here I'll post the name of the book..
Sorry if I seemed to forward. But accepting that the symptoms are from anxiety and just getting on with thins is the key. So go out with your friend and enjoy yourself.


25-03-10, 13:36
I just had to add after re reading this post, you wouldn't believe it but my leg muscles began to twitch! Now they havent done that in ages that just proves the power of auto suggestion.