View Full Version : Is this perfectionism??

25-03-10, 12:14
Hi there

Well I've already diagnosed myself as having obsessional thought disorder, constantly worrying that I haven't done something, or have done something wrong, no matter how ridiciulous it may sounds. With the help of good books, and sites like this, I seem to have a grip on this.

But lately, I've been having regrets about stupid things I have done through my life. Nothing illegal! just things I'd rather not have done, and I wish I can turn back time and change things. Although these silly things have never harmed me or anyone else, I can't stop thinking how 'bad' I am! When I ask myself ...........

'would you swop the mistakes you've made in your life, for mistakes most average men your age make??'

there's no way I would, because I've always tried to do the right thing!

I just wish I could stop thinking about things from the past I wish I'd done differently/not done.

Is it overthinking? overanalising? perfectionism??

Does anyone have any advice? Or have similar thoughts??

Many thanks


25-03-10, 16:24
well i hate making mistakes, and when i make them i hate myself for a while. it could be perfectionism, could be that if you make a mistake it reinforces your own belief that youre not good at anything/worthless/inferior. It's all-or-nothing thinking <- That is simply a pattern found in people with low self-esteem, i dont know you so i cant say lol!
but i think perfectionism has a core of low self-esteem lack of self-belief anyway...you should google it im sure theres loadsa stuff about it.

25-03-10, 17:10
I think it's a mixture of over-thinking and being a bit low. I know when I feel low that's when I start to think about negative things. This feeling will pass.
Myra x

25-03-10, 20:15

I found that when I was depressed, I became very guilty over really silly small things in the past. Like you, nothing illegal, just things I wish I had not done. I think for me it was part of the depression. Apparently guilt is a big part of it, thinking about things from years ago, and feeling upset by them.
