View Full Version : Anybody feel this way? Is this anxiety?

25-03-10, 12:15
Okay, well i don't know where to start. I basically decided to write on here for a call for help. Around July last year I started to feel extreme lightheadedness, which expanded into extreme dizziness for over a week, the dizziness calmed down but it wasn't gone. It feels as if I cant stand still and if I do I feel like i'm going to faint - I never have fainted but sometimes it just really feels like I am about to. Aswell along with this I have eye floaters in my visionmostly when I look at bright lights or a computer screen - and they get worse the more tierd I am. I went to my docters in december and they said I was suffering from anxiety/depression and put me on a light dose of anti-depressants which did nothing atall. The balance problems are really scary and I have never felt normal since the July last year. I have hadnumerous blood tests which all came out fine. I am also really tierd all the time and suffer from headaches. I am naturally an anxious person anyway so I guess I have just become worse? But i really have been trying to forget it and get on with my life at university but it has become really hard with my work as i find it really difficult to concentrate as i feel like my head is constantly swaying and at times literally feels like its going to explode! I dont know if this is anxiety?
But it is starting to really worry me, I know if i go back to the docters they will just say the same thing. When i am in bed i can sometimes feel the whole of my body pumping blood - its a terrible feeling - and inevitably the more i think about all this the worse it is becoming. Please if anyone has experienced this and found a way of overcoming or making yourself feel better, I would be so so grateful for your help and advice!

Please write back :)

Vanilla Sky
25-03-10, 12:36
Did the doctor check for an ear infection or maybe wax in your ears ? It sounds like you get the dizziness which then turns into panic because you don't know what it is , the eye floaters could be just to much time on computer , see an optician about that. Anyway , just wanted to welcome you to NMP , you will find some info on symptoms to your left , You will find like minded people here , so you've come to the right place lol :welcome:
Paige x

25-03-10, 13:25
my anxiety started with dizziness. I think it's caused by vertigo.
In fact I'm getting waves of dizziness today which makes me feel like im on a boat!

I have lots f floaters and vision issues too. in fact they started when I was 11 along with the anxiety.

have you ever been tested for vertigo? in the USA they have invented a moving chair which spins you around in order to disloge the salt crystals in you ear that cause vertigo.

25-03-10, 13:40
I was thinking it could be vertigo as well...my mother has this condition and has to take medication for it.

25-03-10, 13:43
Hi. My panic attacks also started with dizziness and feeling like I was on boat. These symptoms went on and onundiagnosed and turned into full blwn anxiety which has never left . It wasn't until I was talking to a neurologist about something completely unrelated and I started to tell him about how my panic attacks started , (the symptoms dizziness etc) that he told me he was 99% sure I had an inner ear problem initially and not anxiety symptom in the first instance. Please get this checked out as like I said, mine went on so long it turned into anxiety - worrying about fainting etc, not driving the car, not going out onmy own, etc etc etc. I often wonder if it had been recognised and diagnosed in the first place whether I would have the anxiety and panic now, but ho hum, never mind :) x

28-03-10, 19:32
i had a sudden sttack of dizziness last july,felt like i was walking on a boat,very distressing.made me sick.even when i sat down i was dizzy.went to my dr who sent me to an ent dr.they treared me for vertigo..then i found a counsellor who said it could be panic attacks caused by anxiety.since knowing that the dizziness has all but gone.i still have anxiety and negative thoughts but am working through them.sometimes its hard to see the positive but forums like this can help.you are not alone

29-03-10, 16:01
Try not to worry. You are not alone!! If you do have a serious illness then I have got it too because you have just described the last few months of my life.
After a period of significant stress in Nov, I started to experience the dizziness you describe. Was diagnosed with an ear infection but none of the medication I was prescribed gave me any relief. I have been dizzy ever since. About a month ago I started to have eye floaters and now I get them every day too!! I am very depressed and most days convince myself I have some sort of brain tumour.
Docs say every symptom I have is anxiety, eye doc says my eyes are normal. Everyone tells me I have HA.
Its makes me feel better to hear you are in the same boat and there are so many others with the same symptoms as we have!!!:winks:

29-03-10, 17:24
I live in dizzy world too. Its pretty horrid but I am now sure its down to stress for me

29-03-10, 17:48
You are REALLY not alone ! I can particularly relate to lying in bed and feeling your whole body 'pumping blood', I had that through the night last night and have felt the dizziness all day today. My anxiety is very very high and so I guess it must be the same for you. (I also have floaters that I have noticed since being about 17 years old) I agree with the others though about getting your ears checked, or maybe you already have ?