View Full Version : fatigue

25-03-10, 12:35
Hi been here a few times, mainly on the health anxiety bit, missed heart beats etc etc etc I am sure you all know what I am talking about. I have been checked over and all is fine in the heart department, BUT This last two months I am so tired, I sleep ok, I think, and I awake feeling ok ish, but as the day goes on I get more and more tired, and I dont do a strenuous job. Last night I was wacked at 9pm, I am 52 so is it age catching up? I dont seem to have anyother symptoms, except my head telling me it is cancer, I have had and am having a stressful time, Dad just died, mortgage problems and a problem sexually, no I wont go into lurid detail and it isnt erectile disfunction it is more a desire/emotional thing. So can anyone help me rest easier and tell me it is stress and not cancer, I am, like many, petrified to go to the Docs in case it is tests etc, they take so long to arrange and then for the results it is almost not worth doing, ok if they come back fine then it is a good thing but the weeks of worry are hardly worth it. So does anyone else just feel so exausted all the time, too tired for almost anything, ache, I ache in the arms mainly and neck, what does anyone think, stress or something more sinister?

Desprate Dan
25-03-10, 13:56
Hey Chris, it sounds very much like stress and maybe depresion that can also make u feel tired all the time.. Infact i suffer with tiredness, i can hardly keep my eye's open at work, i go home feeling so exhausted i just want to go to bed, and often goto bed around 7.30pm simply because i feel so tired, and have no intrest in doing anything, and my sleep is so disturbed lucky to get 4 hours broken sleep, nxt day is just a carbon copy of the last just a vicous circle, all my freinds have moved on, i just feel so tired and so alone.. This is no life for a young man. DAN