View Full Version : Acid reflux help...

25-03-10, 14:29
Hi all..dont know where to start really.But I will try my best..Can anyone tell me if they think what I am suffering with sounds like acid reflux..Ok here we go..I eat spicy food which I have cut down..Drink to much on the evening..For some time now I wake up in the morning felling like I have to clear my throat (for most of the morning this remains)..often have a burning feeling in my throat which sometimes gets sore..Even the back of my nose feels as if my its had some mild spices up it..The reason why have become more concerned lately is that the one side of my throat has become a little painfull..The crazy thing is it doesn’t seem to hurt when I swallow food..?..I don’t want to go to my doctors yet as I am extremely scared ..i suffer with permanent panic and health worries all day long..If this is acid reflux is there anything I can take to sooth the problems it has caused..eg sore throat…I think this has been coming on for some time.I used wake up with heart burn in the early hours of the morning…Ive cut my drinking right down,but it’s the only thing that stops me from worrying..if any one can please tell advise me I would be really gratefull…thanks !

25-03-10, 14:59
Yes it sounds exactly like reflux.

I had the same symptoms for ages until I went to the Dr's. She didn't do any tests just told me it was acid reflux and gave me Omeprazole. I've been on them for 3 years now and unless I stop taking them they pretty much keep the acid at bay. I still can't eat much chocolate, spicy foods, tomatoes etc as the acid kicks in but not as bad as before the Omeprazole.

Have your tried ranitadine? You can get this in Poundland even, you take one in the morning before food then another 12 hours later and it really helps if the acid isn't really bad. If that doesn't work then you need to go to the Dr's to get something stronger. Also I know you know this but don't drink in the evening or eat anything 3 hours before laying down as this makes the acid and reflux much worse

25-03-10, 15:06
ahhh thanks for the reply...i think its just the sore throat that was starting to worry me..it like ive swalled a crisp without chewing properly...its not there all the time tho...many thanks for yr reply..!!

25-03-10, 17:18
I had these same symptoms plus others...day 3 on omeprazole and its def working!

25-03-10, 18:24
thanks for that.how long did you have symptoms for before you decided to see doctor ?..might sleep a bit better tonight now...thanks !!

25-03-10, 19:10
If it is acid reflux, gaviscon works a treat.

You should eat less fatty food. Dont eat less that 3 hrs before bed. Take regular exercise.

25-03-10, 19:10
I've also suffered with this, and something I found on line. Seems strange, but it does actually work! Apple cider vinegar, bi-carb of soda and honey. Couple of tablespoons of the apple cider vinegar, small bit of the bi-carb and a dollop of the honey mix with a little water and just drink. Doesn't taste took wonderful but it does work. Have a look online and you will find lots of links to this.

Jannie x x

25-03-10, 19:21
thanks again...!..

25-03-10, 19:36
I found that gaviscon for immediate relief and ranitadine for evenings, and then not eating three hours before bed that nedtapo suggested worked excellent for me

25-03-10, 19:45
I have this problem too and was told to cut down on tea and coffee.
Herbal Mint tea works really well too.

If you have problems sleeping because of this then raise you bed at the top by putting two books under each end as this helps stop the acid from lying in the tummy.

Hope this helps


25-03-10, 20:08
Do I have to use fiction or non fiction books lisa? :D

25-03-10, 20:18
thanks for all the replies...im just wondering how long before the symptoms disapear after treatment starts ?...thanks again all..!

25-03-10, 20:25
It can depend trev, but I noticed the not eating 3 hours before bed improved my reflux considerably. I havn't drunk tea or coffee for months now and that has helped. I use a coffee substitute called Bambu (from ebay or health food stores). If you stick to what works for you it does get a whole lot better in quite a short time.

25-03-10, 20:53
It's a case of letting the stomach acids reduce.
I think i was about 3 days before i started to feel the real benefit.

Mick...Argos catalogues work wonders! :D

30-03-10, 21:56
thanks all for replies...:)

Cell block H fan
30-03-10, 22:08
Hi all..dont know where to start really.But I will try my best..Can anyone tell me if they think what I am suffering with sounds like acid reflux..Ok here we go..I eat spicy food which I have cut down..Drink to much on the evening..For some time now I wake up in the morning felling like I have to clear my throat (for most of the morning this remains)..often have a burning feeling in my throat which sometimes gets sore..Even the back of my nose feels as if my its had some mild spices up it..The reason why have become more concerned lately is that the one side of my throat has become a little painfull..The crazy thing is it doesn’t seem to hurt when I swallow food..?..I don’t want to go to my doctors yet as I am extremely scared ..i suffer with permanent panic and health worries all day long..If this is acid reflux is there anything I can take to sooth the problems it has caused..eg sore throat…I think this has been coming on for some time.I used wake up with heart burn in the early hours of the morning…Ive cut my drinking right down,but it’s the only thing that stops me from worrying..if any one can please tell advise me I would be really gratefull…thanks !

I'm not too ofe with acid indegestion, but the 'sore' throat on one side rings a bell. Are you drinking enough fluids, of the non alcoholic kind I mean. Only I noticed when I haven't drunk a lot of fluids, especially after a night out, I have a sore throat on the right side the next day. My brother gets this too. For me its always the right side! x

30-03-10, 22:12
yep its the right side...no i dont drink enuogh fluids,at night or the day...lol...

Cell block H fan
30-03-10, 22:17
yep its the right side...no i dont drink enuogh fluids,at night or the day...lol...
I never have, I know this really, people at work have bottles of water to hand all day. Not me lol I can have a cup of tea in the morning at 7am then a coffee at 1pm then nothing until the evening, if I remember to think about it! Lately ive taken to ordering flavoured water on the shopping delivery.
Ive learnt over time it seems to coincide with the dry sore throat. But like you say, its not a lump, swallow food fine, its just kinda 'there' when swallowing normally for me!

30-03-10, 22:26
yeah sounds very similar...crazy...it just worries me as it reminds me its there thru the day on and off...just started taking zantac...2nd day so it early days yet...i will report back tho...thanks...

Sammy J
30-03-10, 22:53
I'd just like to briefly tell you about my reflux..

I've been suffering for 2 years with this, had countless hospital visits, camera up/camera down etc, and was put on Nexium after the Omeprazole stopped working. My symptoms were acid (obviously), excruitiating upper stomach spasms, constipations and chest pain.

I was tested for lactose intolerance in January which did not show an intolerance but, at the end of my tether, I decided to eliminate all dairy from my diet. The result has been amazing.

Although I do have flare ups occasionally I am 80% improved and am even off the Nexium. If it does rear it's ugly head I suck on a Pepsic Acid tablet or Rennie and it usually sorts it out, whereas before I was guzzling Gaviscon on top of the Nexium.

31-03-10, 18:25
thanks again sammy j...day 2 of zantac..a little improvement ...