View Full Version : Scared.

14-01-06, 12:58
I've recently come off anti-depressants after six years on and off different types. It's been 2 weeks since my last Citalopram and Im feeling really weird. It's as iff the last six years have been a blur and I feel as If I've gone back to being the age I was before I started taking them. Its scaring the **** out of me. Sorry. Anyone else even felt like this?

14-01-06, 13:32
I also forgot to mention that I've quit smoking after six years aswell and for some strange reason I keep getting really vivid flashbacks of when I was younger. My mind is taking me on a right little journey!!!

14-01-06, 14:02
Hi Mate,

I had the exact same thing when I stopped my meds I kept going back to when my grandad died 5 years ago and dreaming about him all the time, it was as if I was reliving it because I hadn't taken it in properly at the time because I was on the meds when it happened.

Also for the first few months my emotions where shot to pieces, if any one even looked at me oddly I would burst into tears thinking they hated me, it does all calm down hun, and it does get easier, just give it time.


Trac Xx

'Live your life with arms wide open, today is where your book begins, the rest is still unwritten'

14-01-06, 14:40
Hi Paul, first well done on stopping smoking, I really need to stop but find it so difficult. Maybe like Trac says you are becoming yourself now for the first time in years and you mind is starting to function properly, but believe me these symptoms might take time but will get less and less then leave you. I stopped drinking 2 and a half years ago after daily and heavy drinking, It was fine for a few weeks then the withdrawal effects where horrible, I panicked more than ever and was to scared to even get out of bed for weeks, It would have been so easy to take a drink to get rid of these symptoms like I always did for so many years. But now this last year I have been much better than I can remember in all my life without it. But I still do get the bad days, nothing can be solved overnight? Well hope you start to feel a bit better soon and good luck. Vernon

14-01-06, 15:25
Hi Tracey and Vernon,

Thanks for the replies. Really appreciated thanks.
