View Full Version : Free distractions on the web

25-03-10, 16:34
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25-03-10, 22:12
Hi again Chris :)

No vested interest hmm? :winks: I'll believe you, thousands wouldn't :D

Funny you should post this, I am on the hunt for a new interest at the moment and, I can hardly believe it myself, I'm actually considering learning how to knit!
Now that may not initially seem much of a distraction in the great scheme of things but if you knew me..well, it's safe to say I'm not the most domesticated woman in the world and the idea of me doing something like knitting goes aginst the grain. !

I did a GCSE course in Italian and absolutely loved it, it really did give me something to focus on, unfortunately the A level courses were stopped, lack of funding. :mad:

Because of my situation at home it would be useful if I could find something to do here and I think knitting is the way to go..it drove me mad last time I tried to learn but perhaps I could put my stubborness to good use. :yesyes:

I wonder if we all didn't have our anxieties and phobias what hobbies would we do..I'm curious!

What would everyone do if they had the opportunity, in the way of new interests or hobbies?

26-03-10, 09:03
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