View Full Version : Pinched nerves, I hope

25-03-10, 19:42
I am just not holding it together well today. My wife and I are not getting along and I fear that she simply doesn't want to spend time with me as I may not be any fun any more due to this constant anxiety. I used to make her laugh but now she seems to want to spend more and more time with friends then with me. This makes me very sad and makes me feel as if I have very little self value. I work very hard to do the things that make her happy and I know she appreciates it but I just don't know how to make her want to just be around me. Anyway, today I am very worried about some neuro symptoms I have been having for many months. In both my hands and feet I am feeling patchy burning and cold sensations. I am having pain, pins and needles, numbness and stiffness in my hands and feet. The sensations seem to radiate up to my elbow and change many times in a day from say affecting both or one index finger to maybe only being my big toe on one foot and the out three fingers of one hand. Like many of you I fear various neuro diseases and I totally scared right now. I saw a chriropractor a year or so ago and he said that I have compression in both my cervical and my lumbar spine. Both areas are stiff and maybe a little painful. I am unable to see the chiro again anytime soon as my insurance doesn't cover it. Can someone PLEASE let me know if it is possible that these hand and feet symptoms can be from my back or anxiety and not from so horrible disease. The symptoms seem to be worse when I sleep on my stomach. Any info at all would be great.

25-03-10, 19:52
The symptoms could be the compression, but they could also be anxiety. It's amazing what symptoms anxiety can throw up, some unique to some people. It causes aches and pains and allsorts. I don't know how old you are but remember that age brings different aches and pains as well which aren't serious. Why don't you speak to your doctor again about them and also mention how anxious you are feeling. They are there to help. Every couple has there ups n downs. Why don't you have a chat with your wife and tell her your worries and how you are sad about your relationship. It's better to keep the line of communication open. It's hard for relatives to watch people they love plagued by anxiety, especially if they don't understand it. All is not lost so please don't think that. You can get through this anxious period with the right understanding.
Myra x

25-03-10, 20:06
Thanks Myra. I am 38 and the aches and pains are dynamic that they can come and go several times in a day or they can stay for several hours or longer. I keep a journal of symptoms and I found that I have been having these pains for almost a year now and they seem to be getting worse. I have tried to talk to my wife about this and she always says she understands but the nothing seems to last. I just don't want to be one of those couples that live seperate lives. We were so in love once and I feel that I am not meeting her needs anymore.

25-03-10, 20:15
Pain is magnified by anxiety. Maybe that's all it is. Do you still go out and about and have lots of interests? A great way to cope with anxiety is keeping yourself busy and not letting it stop you from doing things. Maybe you are spending too much time obsessing about your symptoms, which we've all done. You're not alone. Still again I say speak to your wife and tell her your fears. But getting out and about and having some exercise definitely makes you feel better.
Myra x

25-03-10, 20:44
Myra, I hope you are right. This anxiety and numbness is eating me up.