View Full Version : Two weeks on citralopram...

25-03-10, 20:46
Hey everyone. :)

I just started taking 10mg citalopram a couple of weeks ago after a lengthy struggle with anxiety and depression. It’s the first time I’ve taken any medication for it. Like many of the other posts on here, I was initially very reluctant to try the tablets after I got them but decided they were worth a shot.

The side effects in the first week were relatively mild, which was good because I’d read the ‘manual’ and convinced myself I would be unlucky enough to have some of the rare symptoms. I didn’t. Despite my Doctors warnings I didn’t feel more anxious in the first week but my depression was a little worse. I cried more than normal and had a few days of light or very little sleep on them. I’ve hardly felt any anxiety at all since I started taking them, although I suspect the depression might take a little more time to improve.

Today I started on 20mg of citalopram and again I expected some side effects but so far I feel fine. I have felt less lethargic since starting this medication and my partner has noticed an improvement in my mood, although I haven’t really noticed this personally. Overall the results so far are very promising and it’s so strange not to feel anxious in situations!

One flaw I have found on this medication is that my libido is nonexistent; previously it was very high but has been totally gone from the first pill. This presents a problem as I’m a 28yr old female in a long term relationship and I don’t want this side effect to cause problems. I’d really rather not change medication because I am happy with the results apart from this. Would it help if I skip days on the Citalopram? Or is there any medication that can counteract this libido problem? I know this is quite a common problem but as good as the citalopram has been so far, I don’t think I’m prepared to sacrifice intimacy with my partner for the benefits. Does anyone have any tips on dealing with this side effect?

Mitch :)

25-03-10, 23:08
Oh blimey, yes...the disappearing libido trick.:ohmy:

Firstly, no - don't skip days. It won't do you any good and could cause you some harm, in the shape of further anxiety/depression/mood swings etc. Cit is not to be messed with - especially in the early weeks.

Secondly - the good news! Your libido will come back. Depression and anxiety can kill it, anyway, so don't put it all down to the tablets.
In my experience, libido is one thing...but being able to climax may take a while longer.:blush:

Sadly for me, the first time it all came right after starting the citalopram 4 months previously, it ended up with a very much unplanned pregnancy.:weep:

I think I'd have preferred to have no libido than to be suffering the after-effects of a termination, as I am doing right now.:weep::weep::weep::weep:

25-03-10, 23:58
Hey Chickpea, thanks for the advice. It’s good to be able to talk to other people about the meds :D

I’m pretty definite it’s the Cit because although the depression has had a mental effect on this before, it’s a different effect altogether, both a physical and mental absence of interest/ability, which I’m finding very strange. Anxiety actually increased my libido for some reason. That’s why I had reasoned about skipping Cit now and then.

I don’t mind the side effects so much if it’s temporary but I’ve no idea how to deal with it if it’s more long term than a month or two. The climax thing is just not happening the way it’s supposed to. I know its early days on the Cit so I’ll wait it out a little longer and see if it improves.

I’m sorry to hear you’ve been through such a rough time and I hope you’re feeling much better soon. :hugs:


26-03-10, 10:37
Hey Chickpea, thanks for the advice. It’s good to be able to talk to other people about the meds :D

I’m pretty definite it’s the Cit because although the depression has had a mental effect on this before, it’s a different effect altogether, both a physical and mental absence of interest/ability, which I’m finding very strange. Anxiety actually increased my libido for some reason. That’s why I had reasoned about skipping Cit now and then.

I don’t mind the side effects so much if it’s temporary but I’ve no idea how to deal with it if it’s more long term than a month or two. The climax thing is just not happening the way it’s supposed to. I know its early days on the Cit so I’ll wait it out a little longer and see if it improves.

I’m sorry to hear you’ve been through such a rough time and I hope you’re feeling much better soon. :hugs:


Hi Mitch

Don't think you're alone - men get this climax thing too.
Only, like manflu, it's much worse for us LOL !!

Apparently it does improve but may take a few months.
Guess you need to keep looking at the big picture.
Hope things get better quickly !


26-03-10, 12:05
Thanks Mart :D I guess I'm lucky to only have that particular side effect lol. I think it seems kinda important to me because I don't drink, I don't smoke, rarely socialise in pubs or go on holidays etc. I work in the creative industries, so all my hobbies have turned into 'work' with deadlines and contracts :weep: Really it was the only thing I didn't lose interest in all throughout my depression and anxiety and for me it helped to separate work from life. My partner is supportive but we're both finding it a bit strange to say the least!

Also I think your idea to document your journey by posting up as you go along is great. It will really help people who are starting off and not sure of what to expect :yesyes:

I was following the forum a bit before joining. It's a really good resource.


26-03-10, 13:10
Thanks Mart :D I guess I'm lucky to only have that particular side effect lol. I think it seems kinda important to me because I don't drink, I don't smoke, rarely socialise in pubs or go on holidays etc. I work in the creative industries, so all my hobbies have turned into 'work' with deadlines and contracts :weep: Really it was the only thing I didn't lose interest in all throughout my depression and anxiety and for me it helped to separate work from life. My partner is supportive but we're both finding it a bit strange to say the least!

Also I think your idea to document your journey by posting up as you go along is great. It will really help people who are starting off and not sure of what to expect :yesyes:

I was following the forum a bit before joining. It's a really good resource.


Thanks for encouragement re the postings.
There's some very cheeky people on here as you will have seen.
Just have to put with them I guess! :shades:

I do think you have a healthy view on your libido thingy.
Isn't libido an odd word - doesn't seem to fit the job somehow.
Should be "Cwoarability" or something!
Anyway your body will just be adjusting and it will come back round again.
And as long as Mr Mitch is good with developments.

You need to find a new hobby for a month or so.
Guess crochet just doesn't do it for you then!
(LOL - not really as it's not that funny)
but it would keep your hands busy!
Gonna stop there I think !

I would expect it will settle down (or up?) as you continue with citalopram.
Trust me I'm a ..... erm computer specialist?

See ya

26-03-10, 14:17
Thanks for encouragement re the postings.
There's some very cheeky people on here as you will have seen.
Just have to put with them I guess! :shades:

I do think you have a healthy view on your libido thingy.
Isn't libido an odd word - doesn't seem to fit the job somehow.
Should be "Cwoarability" or something!
Anyway your body will just be adjusting and it will come back round again.
And as long as Mr Mitch is good with developments.

You need to find a new hobby for a month or so.
Guess crochet just doesn't do it for you then!
(LOL - not really as it's not that funny)
but it would keep your hands busy!
Gonna stop there I think !

I would expect it will settle down (or up?) as you continue with citalopram.
Trust me I'm a ..... erm computer specialist?

See ya

Well, I honestly think it's a brilliant idea to document and you've done so well to keep it going despite getting the odd bit of cheek. Especially on the day's you've felt a bit down. I'm not sure I could have done that. You are helping a lot of people by letting them share your experiences and reference them with what they might be feeling too. It's one thing a Doctor handing over pills, or to read the leaflet but it's so much better to be able to read about a real person’s progress.

lol I know what you mean with the word libido. I was trying to use a word that wasn't offensive but it's a strange one!

I'll have to have a think about a new hobby. My life is pretty hectic which is half the reason I'm on the Cit. I didn't have a chance to stop work during my first two weeks on them. I co-run a company so time off wasn't an option. It's been a bit tricky but I'd expected that for the first while on them. I'm definitely less lethargic and less short tempered but internally I feel a bit like I just can't be bothered moaning since being on the cit, if that makes sense? I'm hoping the optimism will return eventually. Part of my problem is that I always see the worst in everything, anticipate potential problems and don't enjoy things anymore. I have quite a big social circle but sometimes I see socialising as exhausting because I put on a 'front' to hide my depression/anxiety. I hope this will improve with time too.

Mitch :D