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View Full Version : looks a great site can any one help me

25-03-10, 21:22
hi im debbie im 35 i have had panic and anxiety for 10 years but had a break where i felt " normal" for few years it started when my mum fell ill and passed away i was only 25 and come from a loving close family
for the last few years it has come back i would not say as bad as before as i was not able to function at all before , but today i have looked on net as something very weird happened to me which freaked me out and i came along this site so i joined as it looked great ,, i was just sat having my tea: and feeling just fine when all of a suddern out the blue i felt very alone and odd like i was not here and i did not no what to do i quickly got up and walked around house thinking god whats up i feel like im about to explode i can not explain how i felt but it was the most frightening feeling i have had and it felt i had no control i rang my friend and got her to talk to me and slowly i can back to normal but it has now scared me so so so much i have come on here what could it have been as it freaked me out surly that was not a panic attack as i never had any more symtons please some one help

25-03-10, 21:23

We just wanted to welcome you aboard to NMP. We hope you enjoy your stay here and get all the support and advice you need.

Please take some time to read the website articles on the left as well for loads of advice and tips.

25-03-10, 21:25
I am going through very similar feelings myself and yes it can be a panic attack, they come in all shapes and forms, but we tend to get shown the ones with very physical and noticeable symptoms on the TV etc...they can be very subtle and yet very frightening as you know, I really feel for you, I have just joined here myself and I think this might be the place for us to get some comfort and answers for our thoughts and problems:hugs:

25-03-10, 21:28
thanks pru ,how lovely that you answered so quick ,i can not get my head around that a hour ago i felt so weird and strange yet i have had a good day and done lots , i had nothing on my mind but god did it scare me , how long have you been suffering :)

25-03-10, 21:38
I really feel for you, I know exactly how you feel, and it's like you are totally alone and no-one else can possibly understand you.

I first suffered from panic attacks about 20 years ago when my mum died, they lasted about 3 years and then I slowly got better, the last year things have gone downhill again and the last 2 months have been hell. All the old weird thoughts are back and I spend every day convinced I am going to die.

I just wish people around me understood how I felt a bit more, but I don't want to tell them how bad it is as I am scared they will think I am crazy

25-03-10, 21:43
gosh you sound same as me, some days are bad some not so bad but tonight wow it freaked me out .
i hate it i think the worst of every feeling or symton i get i had a bad cold last week and i had plursey pneaumonia alsorts sorry i could not spell them , i really convinced my self i had al kinds of things
and my thought can be outrageous , im sit there sometimes thinking this can not be anxiety im sure i have mental problem that will get worse and out of control before some one gets it right xx

25-03-10, 21:58
Well it helps to know you are not alone in those feelings, and I can assure you that you are not alone, I have gone through thinking I am having a heart attack this week, or possibly cancer, maybe a thyroid problem, I saw my GP yesterday and she found nothing physically wrong with me, I went home and for a few hours I felt great, like a real weight had been lifted off of my shoulders and yet by late last night I was starting to seriously think I was ill again, I don't think we are alone for one minute, they are many people like us, but it really feels like you are alone when you are having these thoughts

Reading parts of the forum is helping me a lot, I feel for the people here and what they are all going through but seeing so many similar problems to me is making me feel a little less anxious and putting things into perspective even if it is just for a few hours at the moment, maybe it will help ease your worries a bit too, I really hope so