View Full Version : Really rough patch , in need of some advice please :(

25-03-10, 22:45
i don't know whats wrong with me , i've just become really nervous and panicky out of nowhere !

i think it started because i've been experiencing horrible pains in my head again for a few days and a really weird sensation in both of my ears , that feeling you get on a plane like you're ears are filled with water and they need to be popped .

the derealization is also getting really bad , as i have explained previously i have been getting it pretty much constantly , i try to distract myself but it just creeps up .

i've got this horrible feeling in my gut like something really bad is going to happen tonight and it's making me so anxious

please someone tell me this isn't a brain tumor ?! what if it is ? should i go to hospital before something bad happens ??

i'm getting derealization again .... it's so horrible i don't feel connected to anything anymore !!!!!!!!!!! :weep:

26-03-10, 00:52
It is not a brain tumor. Your mind is being flooded with anxiety related chemicals. You are probably clenching your jaw and tightening the muscles of your neck and thus the tubes in your ears are not draining as they should. This is causing the the full ear feelings. It happens to me all the time. I wish I could take away your pain but at least I hope to ease your worries. Try to accept that this is anxiety and float through the stress. We are here to help.

26-03-10, 01:29
You are ok :hugs:

Its just the stupid anxiety gremlin again but these are all normal anxiety symptoms and will go away. Try and find something distracting like a good book or movie.

One thing I did today to distract myself was to plan out my perfect bedroom I found pictures of stuff I liked on the internet and pasted them onto a picture in paint silly I know but it distracted me long enough for me to relax a bit :)

26-03-10, 01:54
Hi there,

My latest symptoms are with my ears too...They feel "full" and very sensitive to noise ..also they are buzzing. My gp told me its stress and anxiety induced. I know it feels bad at the moment but the symptoms will pass we just need to stay calm (I am also saying this to myself because I am in a rough patch too)
