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View Full Version : HELP im really worried is this normal?????

25-03-10, 23:08
I have had intrusive thoughts and really suffered badly from them and was getting over them but they have turned verbal like a negative voice in my head (not hearing like as if another person is talking to me) Like a voice when i read something in my head. It only starts when i most fear it or think about it or dont want it to happen...i have a fear of developing schizoprenia and one time i was seeing a phychologyst and they asked if i was hearing voice then i started thinking of voices telling me to do bad things...the same thing is happening to me and i cant get rid of it only if i distract myself which is hard. I dont know if this serious or just anxiety and thoughts i told my phychologyst she says thoughts can be images or verbal but im scared. It only starts if i see a dangerious object or near a road it goes "you should really do it *act on the thought* but i dont agree with it i cant take anymore and i hope this is just intrusive thoughts please tell me im not schizoprenic but these are my thoughts not someone elses.

and sometimes this happens i think , i would never hurt my mum and another voice would go yes you would and i start having a arguement in my head...someone please help in the meantime when i speak to my phychologyst tomorrow because i ant even be around my mum im so scared and stressed!!

25-03-10, 23:35
Please listen, you are not schizophrenic. This is anxiety and that IS ALL! Intrusive thoughts can come either in the form of a vivid image or just a though(verbal) what you are witnessing is just anxiety and the ocd brain. This is how the ocd brain works! What you are doing is reasoning with yourself and as much as you do this it will keep happening because there is no reasoning with the thoughts! Thats all they are, just thoughts. The fact that you are so aware of schizophrenia proves you do not have it, not only that but you have done what people with health anxiety do.Look up the symptoms and then put them on yourself. I do it and so does everyone else!
Stop worrying and stop looking up things because this is like food to our brains, the ocd brain will cling onto it and turn it on ourselves.

Be honest with your psychologist because if he doesn't know the whole truth then he wont be able to help you properly. You need to talk this out with him.Trust me they have heard everything!

P.s for the site's maintenance just keep your posts to one thread because people will get confused with so many posts on the same subject.

Take care x

26-03-10, 17:01
Sorry about that. Its just my anxiety looking for more answers AGAIN. I was honest with my phychologyst and i tld them about the verbal thought and they said ...it sounds like another intrusive thought and all that matters is the fact you wouldnt want to do it. Plus i spoke to my mum about this she said shehad the same fear of developing schizoprenia and she knows alot about the illness and she reassured me.

Let me know how your getting on through e-mail and thanks for reassuring me again! x

26-03-10, 18:00
Don't worry I know how it is to look for reassurance Amy. And I don't mind giving it, like I said much easier to give than to actually do it and believe it in ourselves!

Yes Like I said alot of the time mine is verbal, I will try and think "well no Im not a bad person who wants to hurt people" then all of a sudden I will think "really Laura,can you be sure you aren't and that one day you wont one day hurt someone?" And thats how it goes! Mine is usually verbal although sometimes it is an image. It works both ways, both of which distressing. See many people worry about going schizophrenic or Psychopthic or something but if you were for one: you'd be enjoying it and two: you would probably not know you were that way.

Will do, glad you have told the truth and found the reasurance. x

26-03-10, 19:02
By the sounds of things i am going through the exact same and my thoughts say the same! i really agree with what you say and feel alot better! I phoned two phychs and they said the exact thing "ANXIETY" and in trusive thoughts i told them everything like the same as what your going through im sure you will get better they said distracting yourself helps this also happened when i went to A&E while your waiting to see your GP it might be best to call anxiety helpline or to speak to someone this really helped me alot today and if you want a relative to understand get a phychologyst to explain because at first my mum didnt understand AT ALL!

Good luck and hope you feel better e-mail me if your stressed or worried xxx

26-03-10, 19:41
this is pure anxiety and nothing else - i have had exactly the same thoughts and also different ones and still get them at times but they do not have the same impact on me now. yes - distracting works but only if you are accepting the thoughts and not running away from them. the best way i found was not to argue with them at all - this tires your mind and makes them stick more - trust mre - because i spent months arguing with mine all day every day and feeling worse and worse! what i did was allow myself to think about them - i did not try to stop them coming and guess what! once invited - they come less and mean less!

26-03-10, 19:50
Thanks Amy,

I will defiantely take your advice of calling an anxiety helpline if I am having toubles. Thanks alot, glad you are feeling better!

Laura xxx

26-03-10, 20:10
Here's the difference:

If you were schizophrenic you wouldn't be worried about the voices. You would accept them as reality and believe it is normal to have them. You really wouldn't know anything was wrong. Besides, everyone has the chatter in their head as you describe. It's perfectly normal.

Also, you are obviously wound up and worried about the possibility of being schizo, you are not and will not be. You can't make yourself become schizophrenic. Since you aren't, I would stop worrying about it. What you are doing is self-attributing. You are looking for symptoms of the thing you fear most, then you start to overthink it.

Honestly, you're fine, your doc knows your fine, and I can tell you are fine just by reading your post. Don't worry.

27-03-10, 06:52
if it helps at all i suffered from the same thing when i was in my teens, im now 35 and cope alot better with my anxiety so it doesnt bother me as much. I had a terrible fear of schizophrenia for years as i had an uncle who had been diagnosed with it years ago and convinced myself it was in my genes. I agree with Hallam this is how anxiety and ocd works, it latches on to anything you fear. I used to constantly seek reassurance. I found reading Claire Weekes books helped and also in times of real distress i phoned No Panic helpline to speak to someone. The key is, when you stp fearing the intrusive thught it comes less and less.