View Full Version : Stress/Anxiety/Chesty cough

25-03-10, 23:35
Hi there,

Im new here, and looking for some reassurance! I have had health anxiety on and off for a few years now, started after having an overactive thyroid.

Anyway, the last few months have been stressful, and thats when my health anxiety seems to get out of control!

Then about 5 weeks ago, started with a chesty cough, phlegm etc... felt terrible, chest tight, felt couldnt clear it, panciky. Went to dr and was told chest sounded clear, and it was likely viral. It did get better after a few days, but Im still feeling need to clear chest and get quite panicky at times as chest feels heavy. Been to dr again, chest still clear, he gave me an inhaler, which he said wouldnt make it go away quicker, but would help relieve symptoms. But I read the side effects and stuff and scared to take it! Aargh, why do I read them!

I know Ive had this before at some point, and a lot of people I know have been having problems with coughs etc... over the last wee while, but I feel so anxious and panicky about it all, just want it to go away! Keep feeling like it must be something else, what if I dont manage to clear my chest one time and cant breathe..... sounds silly, but im really struggling with it. I have no other symptoms, no temp or anything now.

Im worried about myself, and this time also about my husband, kids etc... I feel dread if I hear anyone saying they are not well, or hear them coughing or they feel a bit hot. Its horrible! I hate when I feel like this!

No real questions really, just wanted to get that out, and maybe get some reassurance someone else has had cough for so long!



Lou 1
25-03-10, 23:47
Hii im really suffering with my HA at the min (for other reasons to you) but i just wanted to post and say both me and my partner were really ill a few weeks ago with really bad chests. I like u visited my doctor and he said my chest sounded clear but i had a temp and was given some anitbiotics, he also gave me some inahlers (a blue one & brown one) which i took and it did help to take away the tight cold feeling in my chest.
My partner didnt visit the gp (he never ever does lol)
I found mine was a lot worse on a night when i was trying to sleep and i was woken up several times with the sound of my chest - it was really wheezy and sounded like it was clicking.
I have finished my antibiotics now but i still have a really a tickly cough which is quite annoying - and so has my parnter.
I know side affects can be pretty daunting and i wasnt sure whether to take my inhailers but in the end i felt i had to and they really did help.

Hope ur feeling better soon xx

26-03-10, 07:11
hi heather
it must be awfull for both of you to be bad
cough is nasty thing it can last for weeks
my son had caugh for 6 months once

i am also full of flu and infection for 1 wee now. i have fever as well.
today i cant smell and taste anything. it makes me more anxious as it is weird.

i just wish it went away.

hope you dont feel alone now