View Full Version : Coughing to i retch

26-03-10, 16:13
I've got a bad cold, i keep having this horrible sensation in my throat where i have to cough, and it won't stop until i've retched or been sick.
i'm having such a bad panic attack now because it's happening and i have a hour and a half journey to do in a few hours (im on holiday and were going home).

Has this ever happend to anyone else and any tips to stop it?

it's so awful, panickng is making me sick anyway without this awful throat sensation and coughing.

thank you

26-03-10, 17:19
Hi, it's very common and is just tickly cough. There are over-the-counter remedies to relieve it in the short term - stop in at a chemist and explain to them what's going on and they will suggest what is best for you. Remember pharmacists are medically trained so have good knowledge. If it persists when you get home you may need something a little stronger if it is making you physically sick so ask your Dr to give you a check up in case antibiotics are needed. Panic will not help and will exaggerate your symptoms so don't let panic beat you and remember...it is common, especially with our good ol' changing British weather!!!!

26-03-10, 18:05
There is alot of this about at moment and the cough is truly terrible.
Have you tried sucking a boiled sweet as the sucking action stops the tickle.

27-03-10, 05:27
Hi miss moose,

My daughte is coughing like you now, its heartbreaking.
I am dealing with the viral infection that turned into bacterial and that threw me into anxiety spins and low moood.

I know it only normal body reaction especially on antibiotic, but knowing that doesnt make feel much better.

Anyway - you are not alone..

27-03-10, 13:36
Thank you for your replies. I'm going to get some buttercup syrup later, thats meant to be good. I'll get boiled sweets too, thank you for the tip.

i've got terrible cattarh which is sickly, ive had carvornia but its not worked, drinking plenty of tea which is meant to loosen it up. Any tips on how to get rid of cattarh?

Thumbellina, i hope you and your daughter feel better soon xxx