View Full Version : help!!!!

26-03-10, 18:08
hey all

i went to gp this morning because for 3 months i have been getting horrid spasms/pains in the left hand side backk of my head. its a sharp pain that comes for about 5-15 secs then comes inntermittently throughout the day. gp made me do some neck movements etc and said she thinks it is because my neck is tense it is causing my nerves in head to tense but i am still scared its something more 3 months is a long time i cant get the bloody thought out of my head.


26-03-10, 18:33
Hi Kerry, I get this symptom too....I have chalked it up to anxiety, and tension...it comes up when I am anxious and that's all of the time. Just keep an eye on it, but don't panic because it will make it worse.


27-03-10, 01:50
Hi. I'm currently undergoing physio for upper back pain and guess where the pain sometimes radiates out to? Yup... My head! If you hunch or hold your posture incorrectly it causes the muscles to contract - do this for long enough and you got yourself a Boney-Fidey muscle spasm. This hurts. I'm currently on Co-Dydramol and Naproxen combined. Started that today so i can't tell you how it's going yet.

It's a horrible pain but nothing that can't be treated. Good luck! :)

27-03-10, 08:17
thanks for your replies its always nice to hear that others suffer with these things too. Today i am gonna try rational thinking and improving my posture because i am definitely a sloucher ..
