View Full Version : The pain is real

14-01-06, 18:32
I'm getting musscle spasams in my chest, and an electric shock type feeling rarely mainly on the back of my head.

I'm not sure in myself that the panic is the cause, not the response of what I'm feeling.

I do "panic", in that I start breathing shallowly/rapidly and feel faint - and this brings on more muscle spasams/shivering.

This happened twice before and I didn't identify it as a panic attack, I now know really it is.

I'm thinking of going to see a Doctor, but surely he'll just dismiss it all as "in my mind" once I say stuff to him that describes myself as having "textbook" panic attacks.

I went to an ER in april - my first painc attack and came out after test thinking it was a strained muscle (it was I think I'd strained it shivering!) and was fine after that once it was better-- a few non-serious events since then until a couple of weeks ago I was at the hospital again... this time realised it was anxiety and when i came to look it up on the net it certainly appears to be the case. The whole thing makes no sense to me - I'm still thinking there must be a physical cause!

I don't know if I should got to see a regular doctor - and what I'd say if I did. I do have another worry - I don't really want "he's crazy" on my medical records! Can you have an "off the record" discussion with a GP in the UK?

14-01-06, 20:08
hi there yes your symtoms are classic panic .isuffer terrible chest sensations and the shivering too.i no a lot of people on here hav the same probs.i also have been too the hospital and had tests they said the same to me anxiety,im not sure if you can have a of the record chat with a doc.are you not registered with 1 if you are go and see them to talk about some help for your anxiety.dont feel silly about it thats what there there for to help.anxiety can give you horrid symptoms beleive me im struggling to.but i find talking to people on here helps.take care marcia

marcia lowe

14-01-06, 23:57
Hi thanks for your reply...

In going to a doctor I'm worried that if I want to for example dive, fly, or do something else, perhaps work related, that needs an ok from a Doctor having "panic" on my medical records isn't going to be a good thing!. While I don't feel in a fit state to do much out of the ordinary at the moment I'm assuming/hoping that I'll get over / control this and maybe hopefull this time next year it'll be a bad memory and I don't want to close doors.

15-01-06, 00:27
Its unlikely you'll get an off the record chat with a GP.

I had my gp put 'fully resolved- was due to bereavement' on my notes once I was better. I've never put it to the test but as the years continue to pass and I haven't been back at all. I'm confident that she won't add to it any letter.


Your anxiety is the human representation of the pictures that you paint using your many vivid colours of revolving and reoccurring thoughts.
How big is your gallery ?

15-01-06, 14:48
I think it's fairly common thses days and your GP will see it all the time. I can't imagine that it will be used against you (although I worry about the same thing) because other wise half of the populations wouldn't be able to do these things.

Annie x

21-01-06, 16:59
you are not mad and that wont be written on your report you may get panic disorder , anxienty attacks ( sorry spelling) but you are not crazy and just explain it to ur gp you will be glad you did it will take off a bit of the stress!!
good luck sassy xxx
