View Full Version : Hello every1 !!!!

26-03-10, 23:31
Hey every1 i im will n im 21 years old i used post on here then i stopped due to losing my net, since i last posted on here my anxiety was at it's worst it got to the stage where i wouldnt leave the house, i was put on propranolol but i only ever took one pill. a few months ago i started seeing a counciler about my anxiety and it helped so much and made me understand that there is NOTHING WRONG with me n that it was ALL IN MY HEAD!! she said you cant cure anxiety as every1 is anxious and its natural and good for you. i could never leave my house without a packet of mints, chewing gum (had to be airwaves) & a drink (non caffeine) they were my comforts n i used to panic alot about not being able to breathe n i thought they helped me breathe lol but my counciler made me realise i dont need them n they dont help me. ive started to get my anxiety under control. if i was to give it a mark out of 10 of how much anxiety effects my life now ide egive it a 5/10 when it used to be 10/10. anyway ill stop blabbing away. :)

26-03-10, 23:48
Hi willz88

A huge warm welcome to nmp.

You'll get loads of advice and support here and make some lovely friends along the way.

Best wishes

Veronica H
27-03-10, 08:44
:welcome:back Wills and so glad that you have a handle on the anxiety. Thanks for sharing your success with everyone and glad to have you back.


28-03-10, 11:34
Heya Willz,

Fantastic to hear about your progress :) Really encouraging to me, I'm only 19 and just hit my worst bit of anxiety a couple of months ago, came out of the blue. I'm starting to improve a lot now, and it's just really cool to hear how much you've improved, makes me confident that I too will keep improving.

Annnnnd I'm loving your little picture, I'm a fan of Stella! I don't drink since the panic attacks set it, terrified that alcohol will trigger them, but once they are gone, boy oh boy will I be cracking one open.


well what set me off was panic attack in certain places and my counciler told me to go there several times and game me a chart n she said the first time i go there my anxiety levels will be at max then the 2nd time not as bad then 3rd time ect.. once you realise nothing is actually goin to happen n its all ur head ur be laughin at ur anx :)

plus i used to constantly hyperventalate (SP?) and scared of passing out when panicking and when im not panicking. but apparently it is immpossible to pass out whilst your in a panic/ high anxiety levels, cus ur heart rate is so fast ect. :) i recomend a counciler it really helped me!

28-03-10, 16:13
Yeah, mine gets set off in certain places, but its mostly when I'm in a busy place alone. I'm just scared of having a panic attack alone and then it being something more dangerous than a panic attack and me not knowing because I think it's a panic attack. Haha, I don't even know if that made sense! I also constantly hyperventilate, like even when I think I'm breathing normal I'm actually not breathing normal, it's so hard not to hyperventilate! I just started seeing a psychiatrist which is working amazingly well, I think that's probably the only reason I'm improving so well. He just makes me do things I don't want to, which I guess is what I need to get over my silly fears! I haven't been going for long yet, but hopefully as I keep on going I'll stop thinking that my panic attacks will kill me everytime I have them. It's not so much that I think my panic attacks will kill me, it's that I think they're something else that will kill me. It even seems silly to me really, until it happens. Thanks heaps for the reassurance again and for sharing your experiences :)

haha its not silly i know exactly wat u mean :) i got so peed off with my hyperventerlatin (sp?) i just constantly breathed through my nose for hours lol u cant really over breathe through ur nose :D