View Full Version : Feeling a bit low again

26-03-10, 23:59
Feeling a bit low again..just everything getting me down, lack of love life, unemployment, lack of friendships.

Only small positive even though it doesn't feel it is I went for a job interview for a job and I was close to not going as I might not like it.

Anybody offer any supportive words? Just feel rotten and don't feel like doing much. :blush:

27-03-10, 21:11
Sorry you're feeling down again Phil. I've been feeling rubbish the last couple of days too. I just try to remain philosophical about the things I don't like in my life and appreciate the things I do. I think taking life too seriously can bring us down but it's wise to also be responsible. It's a fine balance.

Well done for going to your interview - even if nothing comes of it, at least you made the effort.

28-03-10, 04:28
Well done Phil for going out to the interview and seeing the positive in that. I think we all get in a "funk" every now and again. I hope things get better for you. Take care and remember something positive each day and it will help.

28-03-10, 06:31
You have all the reasons to feel low.

and because you let yourself - your anxiety and low mood are ready waiting for you.

Its very hard not to when you have all the reasons, but try and distract yourself, try to laugh about yourself.

I would recommend to go to any interviews you get, its always and experience.

This can help allot.

28-03-10, 09:42
Hi Phil, it's rotten when everything feels all doom and gloom. But I always think that when this happens you then go through a better period where things look up! Good luck with the job interview. At least you are making an effort which is great. I hope that you feel better soon.
Myra x

28-03-10, 13:35
Feeling a bit low again..just everything getting me down, lack of love life, unemployment, lack of friendships.

Only small positive even though it doesn't feel it is I went for a job interview for a job and I was close to not going as I might not like it.

Anybody offer any supportive words? Just feel rotten and don't feel like doing much. :blush:


So go on then. How did the interview go? I trust it went well whatever the outcome. Did you check out the receptionist (vital hub of any company and the solution often to your first point ..... maybe!)

Chin chin
do write and tell

One of Us

28-03-10, 19:27

So go on then. How did the interview go? I trust it went well whatever the outcome. Did you check out the receptionist (vital hub of any company and the solution often to your first point ..... maybe!)

Chin chin
do write and tell

One of Us

It went ok, could have went worse but they phoned today to say I never got it. Bit of a relief as I never wanted the job as bar work would be too nerve racking for me. Still feel a bit down even though relieved.

My worry is why do I apply to jobs I don't like? But there's so few jobs now I want to work in retail again but it seems hopeless. swithering over college and a part time job again.

I always get down when I don't know where I'm heading in life. My fear is being unhappy in a situation..I guess doing nothing, sitting about is one too.

28-03-10, 20:34
hi mate .
We have all bin in the place where you are at this time of you life.
The most inportant thing is to get out of bed each today at the say time you would go to work if you had work to go to.
Each day you should have gorl to get to that day,it mite be to e-mail your c.v. to 10 complay that day.
The next mite be to go and knock doors, the next day you mite pick up the paper and phone you e-mail a job from the paper.esr.
This is just a i dear for you.
Hope this help you.

28-03-10, 20:45
It went ok, could have went worse but they phoned today to say I never got it. Bit of a relief as I never wanted the job as bar work would be too nerve racking for me. Still feel a bit down even though relieved.

My worry is why do I apply to jobs I don't like? But there's so few jobs now I want to work in retail again but it seems hopeless. swithering over college and a part time job again.

I always get down when I don't know where I'm heading in life. My fear is being unhappy in a situation..I guess doing nothing, sitting about is one too.


Well done, right result by the sound of things. Did they give any reasons? It's always good to ask for feedback.

You write excellent English so it might be a good idea to consider going to college. But the Open University might be a better shot. They need no prior qualifications, run courses for everything under the Sun and if you're unemployed or on very low income the courses are free. Their URL is www.open.ac.uk. They also provide all the facilities college might provide, save for the Union bar :-( including careers advice. Drop me PM if you want to know more.

one of us