View Full Version : Certain Ive got MS!

27-03-10, 12:05
I know its a commen worry from us anxiety sufferers, it was one of mine last year but I guess my main symptom then (dizziness/loss of balance) went away and so did my worries.. Now the loss of balance has come back, along with other things, Im even more frightened.

I remember when I was pregnant (6.5ish yrs ago) I got up in the middle of the night, I swung my legs round but when I went to stand up and put weight on them they gave way and I collapsed. I wasnt low on blood sugar, nothing like that, they just gave way.

Recently I get these symptoms;

My lack of balance. I bend down to do my laces, or turn my head to get my hair out of my face and I will lose balance and have to steady myself.

Parts of my body twitch from time to time, but recently my hand has twitched several times, as had my leg and arms.

Last night my right eye darted up and across voluntarily. My left eye didnt do it.

I cant get my words out, I just draw a blank or come out with a completely different word, this happens that often Im trying not to hold conversations so I dont look stupid.
Ive noticed its becoming harder and harder to type, in my blog and in this post now Ive had to go over and correct many many mistakes (Which thankfully get flagged because Im using Google chrome).

Im fatigued ALL the time, I can have the odd OK day, but on the whole Im exhausted and ready for bed from the moment I wake.

My judgement is off, and Im almost scared to be driving in the car at any time.

Im also quite down and very irritable.

I did see my GP about it the other day, I didnt mention MS as I didnt want him to think I was neurotic, so instead he was looking to make sure I didnt have an ear infection or had suffered from a stroke.. I had neither.

I just notice all these things and its frightening the life out of me.. Had I not corrected all the mistakes Ive typed today you wouldnt be able to ready it, its like Im drawing a blank on everything, losing balance, unable to think, the twitches, eye movements, tiredness, its all getting to me, esp as nothing is coming easy - from getting about, talking to thinking, its all such hard work and only seems to be getting worse

I wouldnt say Im anxious at the moment, Im ovb worrying about this, but in general I have been doing ok.

Im just so down about it all and obv frightened stiff.

27-03-10, 14:21
My anxiety gives similar symptoms as yours - main one being loss of balance - feels like my shoes are made of sponge! I get lots of twitches and my vision is terrible. Fatigue, poor judgement, constant headaches - Ive got the lot. I often find it very hard to believe that is "just" anxiety and depression causing these symptoms.

27-03-10, 15:44
Me too, and I keep dropping everything, another symptom. I just keep reminding myself that none of this started until I became anxious...

28-03-10, 00:43
Well my biggest fear is MS as my mom has it, all the symptoms I worry about such as numbness, burning skin, twitching, light headed, facial pain, really mad me think it and none of them my mom has. I have had MRIs and the tests pretty sure i have anxiety. So please do not worry if u had it ur Drs would KNOW. they diagnosed my mom 123 at her early stages 25 plus yrs ago.
OM if u want. I have the same fear and so understand.