View Full Version : cervix or ovary problems?

Cell block H fan
27-03-10, 12:21
Can someone shed some common sense on something for me.
I thought I had ovulation pains a couple of days ago. But I still have the aching low down & on the left side, in the ovary it feels like. Its definitely a cross between period pain & ovulation pain. But I know I wouldn't have the pain constant & for this long if its ovulation. When I wake its barely there but gets worse as day goes on.
I haven't had a smear test for 3 yrs & now its crossing my mind something bad could be happening.
BUT if it was something bad, surely I wouldn't just have pain, I would bleed between periods etc? My periods are still normal, every 23-25 days & last 3 days max. I'm 39.
Would an ovary cyst have period like ache as well as an ache in the ovary?
I dont want to go for a smear until this ache has gone, it wont be very comfortable.
I'm pretty sure ive had this before over the years, always the left ovary too. If it was something nasty, I would know it by now wouldn't I???
What do you think?

27-03-10, 13:08
i have the same pain at the moment i was told it was ibs mine also goes into my groin and bladder area and lower back

27-03-10, 13:09
Ovary pain can last a long time and I found that when I got to my late 30's my monthly ovary pain, always the right side?? could last up to a week. It is a very specific pain so I know what it is. I am now in my late 40's and permenopausal so the ovary pain has reduced to maybe 3-4 times a year rather than nearly every month but when I do get it now its really bad and lasts much longer.

Cell block H fan
27-03-10, 14:11
Thanks folks.
I forgot to mention mine definitely started when I was ovulating this week, & when ive had this before its been when I started ovulating too. Usuaully when I ovulate I only get the twinges though, & a day at most.
Thats what made me think it might be a cyst.
Trying not to think of anything worse. Just keep remembering Jade Goody saying about pain! :wacko: But I know she had more than that didn't she.

Bronte I was told in my early 20's mine was I.B.S! How starnge. I always believed that but I never get toilet troubles with it, so I dont think its connected to the bowel, I think its Gyne related.

I think I will just have to wait for it to go. Maybe have a word with the doctor about it. I hate doctors though lol
