View Full Version : skin

Rachel W
27-03-10, 13:08
Hi guys,

I have posted before as I have been getting burning sensations on my skin, which I know a few others here have been having. It does not feel like sunburn however and the skin is not at all sensitive to touch, so from what I know it is probably not neuropathy (any reassurance on this however would be appreciated). My main symptom is that if I am leaning against a surface, or areas where my skin is near another area of skin, then it is as if I am just more sensitive to heat. It has been most consistent in my lower back when I lean for a while, and although I have been told by my Mum that my skin does not seem warmer than normally would be after leaning, it feels as if i am sitting against a heat pad. Sometimes I can get this if I place a warm hand on my thigh as well.

So basically it feels like my skin is just feeling heat more than it actually is.

I have OCD and take 30 minute showers a day and also the heat has been on in the house quite high, and I have been indoors most of the winter due to my study.

Sometimes my throat also feels the warmth like I have just drunk a strong liquor, and my chest area and stomach also get this feeling as well as my upper arms, back and thighs.

Is it possible that I could have dry skin made sensitive to heat from being inside so much? I do not have any real rash, but have keratosis pilaris (blocked pores) on my arms that I have had for years, and a few of this on my stomach and back also.

One thing however is that I have noticed that my skin can look a little silvery in certain light. Could this just be dry skin cells? I know that psoriasis looks silver and that is due to a build up of dry skin cells that do not shed, so is it possible that dry skin could also look like this?

I am terrified that I have some sort of all over body skin infection like yeast or herpes, but assume that if this was the case then it would not be in doubt, and if it was covering so much an area then I would be pretty sick?

Please help, i am starting to freak out again and it is just such an irritating feeling to constantly have this warm glow feeling. I have even been having my Mum check my head for a fever but most of the time I am cooler than her.

27-03-10, 13:23
I am sure you have seen my posts as well. I think mine seems similiar it is lik emy legs get hotter then normal with my jeans or under a blanket. I do sort of think it is simiar to sun burn. Mine came on pretty suddenly and is def. worse at times of stress. I worry to about nueropathy what do u know about it?
My dr said it prob was not nueropathy cause I am young and do not just get it for no reason.
Good Luck I understand

Rachel W
27-03-10, 13:44
From what I have read neuropathy would make the skin more sensitive to touch and is painful. Also, it can cause numbness. If it was in your legs it would usually start in your feet and apparently is quite painful. I am not an expert and someone wrote on medhelp with a similar complaint about lying in bed and feeling as if lying on a heatpad and a doctor mentioned neuropathy but no more comments were made, and all the other posts about burning skin sensations were put down to anxiety so as this seems to be a common cause then perhaps that is all it is.

If anyone can look through my symptoms above and help me put my mind at rest, I would really appreciate it. Surely if i had a body-wide skin infection it my skin would be red raw or be really itchy etc.? Also, does anyone else know if neuropathy would be this simple?

Rachel W
30-03-10, 22:08
anyone know if this could be just dry skin or a reaction of being in a lot of dry heat and taking lots of showers. i noticed that me skin is not sensitive to touch but is to scratching (like burning as I scratch), which I know can also happen with dry skin. It doesn't look dry except for those slightly shiny cells and I DO have visibly dry skin (ie small flakes) on my arms, lower legs and a bit around my nose.

I am now trying Bio oil to see if that helps.

30-03-10, 22:28
I was wondering the same thing today my skin is really annoying me bad today. Dry Heat? Dry Skin? Very stressed today.

Rachel W
30-03-10, 23:28
It is such an unsettling feeling isn't it?

30-03-10, 23:46
I think it sounds like hyper sensitivuty from dry skin and g=being indoors - do you exfoliate and then moisturise? Exfoliate in the shower with a gentle loofer and then use a simple moisture cream without perfume like e45

hope that helps you - you dont have a yeast infection or herpes as your skin would be very red and sore.

neuropathy is extremely painful and would in all liklihood start in your feet - its possible to have nerve pain that isnt neuropathy though I know I get it all over my head and find I had a teeny tiny spot that must have been pressing n a nerve or a cold coming on or something simple like that.

Hope you get it sorted and feel calmer


Rachel W
01-04-10, 00:53
Thank you so much Suz. I found that E45 aggravated my skin. Even though it is non-greasy it is quite thick. I had also exfoliated three days straight and had made patches raise near my keratosis raise up. So I let this calm down and have just started exfoliating now and plan on doing it twice a week only (and gently), and I am starting to use a combination of my Nivea light cream and also Bio-Oil to see if that helps. I am sure that the anxiety isn't helping any either as I get freaked out that I am feeling warm, which makes it even worse.

I will try to stay calm and just let the spring weather, the moisturisers and hopefully lower indoor temps take their course.

Thank you again.


01-04-10, 00:58
Hope u feel better. This feeling is so freaky. I know it can not be something serious but it makes my anxiety go off the wall none the less. At least we botih have it :) Feel better

Rachel W
01-04-10, 01:02
Actually while I am at it, rather than start another post, I have noticed over the past few days that after I get out of the shower I have white blotches on my legs (the kind you would get if you pressed on your skin and release). After about 5 or so minutes they go. What is this caused by? I spend a lot of time sitting during the day (I used to be on my feet all day). Could it be bad circulation?

01-04-10, 01:05
I have major red blotches after the shower, dry skin, skin irritated from a hot shower? Or normal? who knows.