View Full Version : Just a cold?

27-03-10, 13:27
I started with a bunged up nostril on left side last weekend, it cleared and I thought nothing of it but then Monday night and Tuesday it clogged up again, left ear felt congested and i had glands up in left side of jaw. That went by friday and then it jumped onto right side. So now my right ear is abit congested, right nostril, right side headache at times and glands up in right side of jaw:weep: No fever, no cough or pains. I have lost my appetite and I feel abit weak today, feel a tad worse today to be honest, but i had a very broken sleep (again, all week had this) and I haven't eaten a full meal in days.

Will this just be viral? Does it sound like a cold?

27-03-10, 14:19
Sounds ike virus to me.

At the same place now. Terrible feeling, very weak, fragile, anxious, low.

It says that it is normal to feel a setback when having cold, flu.

And that it will be totally over when the fu is over.

Cant wait

Cell block H fan
27-03-10, 14:46
I started with a bunged up nostril on left side last weekend, it cleared and I thought nothing of it but then Monday night and Tuesday it clogged up again, left ear felt congested and i had glands up in left side of jaw. That went by friday and then it jumped onto right side. So now my right ear is abit congested, right nostril, right side headache at times and glands up in right side of jaw:weep: No fever, no cough or pains. I have lost my appetite and I feel abit weak today, feel a tad worse today to be honest, but i had a very broken sleep (again, all week had this) and I haven't eaten a full meal in days.

Will this just be viral? Does it sound like a cold?

Yes, sounds like it to me.
Roll on the summer ey, the virus' take a holiday for most of it, apparently its going to be a scorcher!!

stuart munro
27-03-10, 15:29
my wife and i , have had a flu virus for two weeks
dry painful cough ,sore in left side of chest, coughing green mucus up day and night
no sleep hardly, very tired , no appetite
wake up in the morning with a thumping headache
on second batch of anti bi's that affect your stomach and bring your waterworks to dribble
and take paracetemol for pain

27-03-10, 15:32
Stuard did you have a fever with your flu - I got temp of 101 yesterday and today although temp is fingers crossed at moment normal I am sweletering hot sweats everytime I move or have a hot drink. I am waiting for my temp to soar again this evening:weep:
Just started antibiotics for bad cough