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27-03-10, 13:50
have been taking 10mg for 2 weeks today.....been really tuff my anxiety has increased so much but these last few days felt a bit positive so attempted to go further then the shop........over a bridge

major anxiety attack had to run to the shop to get a bottle of water..

but is it better that i did try to go?

27-03-10, 14:18
Absolutely Dave!!:yesyes:
Ok maybe it was a bit scary but the fact that you did something you wouldn't normaly do says to me that you are gaining some confidence back.

It takes time hun but the more you do this, the easier it will become.
I used to go half way to my shop then turn back. Then i would take it a little further until i actualy got to the shop. I do still get paincy doing it but at least i'm getting there.

Keep up the good work and well done!! :hugs:


27-03-10, 14:24
thank you
just on a bit of a downer now....
i guess it is good as a few days ago i would not of even considered it

27-03-10, 15:04
Well done Dave You did very well ..The meds will adjust soon and the extra anxiety will go away .I found it very hard to cope with for 6weeks myself ..But it will get easier .I hadnt been able to go on holiday for 4 years prior to taking Citalopram ,but after a few months I managed to go abroad last year on two seperate occassions .I didnt have anxiety ,and havnt had a panic attack for 16months now .Whilst the Cit doesnt cure the anxiety or panic ,it does help you manage how you react to it .Keep facing it and soon you will be feeling back to your old self once again ..You will find for a while you get days that you feel better than others ,Gradually you will get more good days than bad .Stay positive and take each day at a time ,,These days will soon be a distant memory .All the best Sue x:D

27-03-10, 15:09
Well done Dave, was really good that you did it, you should be proud!!! Unfortunately with these meds anxiety does increase at first but like Sue says it will ease and things will get alot better for you.

Take care

27-03-10, 15:10
:)thank you

its just gone sky high i mean before i would always get anxiety maybe before getting on a train you no but now its just like immense.