View Full Version : Dizziness after waking. What should I do?

27-03-10, 16:56
Today I woke up very early and I felt dizzy, even when I closed my eyes I felt dizzy. I fell back asleep and woke up a few hours later with the same feeling except worse. I felt lightheaded, weak, nauseous. It's eased off a bit now. I don't know what to do. Is it anxiety? Am I ill? I was at the docs a few days ago about something else (shortness of breath) he did all the usual checks, BP etc and said I was fine. I'm worried though as I've never felt dizzy after waking up, I keep thinking something is really wrong. :weep: What should I do?

27-03-10, 18:24
it sounds like you may have an inner ear infection or some kind of bug or possibly just simple old fashoned low blood pressure - the key is to get up slowly to give it a chance to stabilise - often its only a problem after you have been laying down.

It could be anixiety -do you normally suffer with anixiety or is this a new thing for you? Im sure iof you look around the site at other posts on dizziness you will see lots of good advice.


27-03-10, 18:32
I've wakened up with this before and it is very frightening. I think it's all to do with inner ear symptoms, but could also be anxiety. I had it once after a particularly anxious evening and wakened up in the early hours with it. It's a horrible feeling but does go after a while but leaves you feeling a bit tired. Just take it easy.
Myra x

27-03-10, 23:55
Thanks for your replies! I went to see my doc as the dizziness didn't shift after a few hours. He checked my ears said they were fine, did Blood pressure and so on... just said it's probably benign Vertigo, could be caused by anxiety. He wasn't worried. So I'm relieved but now have a headache and feel really tired! If it's not one thing then it's another ;)

Thanks again. :hugs:

28-03-10, 11:38
you have a headache and feel tired because you were so stressed about being dizzy - try to relax and rest today


28-03-10, 13:27
I also went one to see doc about the same thing. If doctor said you dont have iner year inf, and BP is fine, just relax - its good old anxiety.