View Full Version : What a day

27-03-10, 17:57
Ok, be rational. I know I'm suffering from anxiety. Probably GAD + DP.

But today was a rough one. Woke up after a poor nights sleep (due to baby feeding etc). Felt dizzy. This progressed into depersonalisation. Then we had family around and I kept trying to make excuses to leave the room (make a cuppa, go to the bathrom etc). It was then commented that I was quiet pushing the focus on to me which is the last thing I wanted. Taking all my focus to hold a conversation where the DP felt its strongest. I needn't explain what that is like, Im sure you know. Then the headaches started and my thoughts of brain tumor or was this the final episode where I lose it all together.

Eventually people left, I had some nurofen and went for a walk with the kids. That helped things though the DP remains but not as bad. The dizzy flashes are still on and off (thats like a momentary 1 second pulse through my brain/head that makes me feel dizzy for a split second).

But, all this time I keep telling myself its just the anxiety. Not been to the docs about it yet, next week I thnk. :)

27-03-10, 20:03
Hi, wow sounds like you were having a bit of a blip today! You'll be fine, some days are good, some are ok, some are completely horrible, but remember that there is always tomorrow! Having crap days can help us to really appreciate the days we feel better!

28-03-10, 00:39
I sooo understand what you feel. DP is a nightmare mine has been back in full force lately due to me worrying about my skin snesations. But I too have small children and the nights without sleep add to the DP. Know it is anxiety and it will pass. PM if you want. I too have small kids and have spent the past yr or so dealing with all of this. I sooo understand. Had a family function tonight and felt the same way. Feel better you are not alone & IT IS ANXIETY. Get rid of the Brain tumer thoughts it is wild what anxiety does.

29-03-10, 16:58
Well, I'm finally at the docs tomorrow. spoke to him on the phone and spoke to him about headaches and dizzyness with anxiety etc. But as soon as I mentioned DP he asked what that was.... Now I have the feeling that he will fob me off on the DP thing. We'll see anyway.