View Full Version : Severe (and stupid) Panic Attacks

15-01-06, 06:05
Hi everyone. I'm new to this forum, and I wanted to know if it sounds like I have a panic disorder.
I've had trouble with panic attacks since I was a little girl. For example, after my great-grandfather died when I was eight, I was terrified I would die too. I had panic attacks every night for months, though they went away after awhile. After that I used to have them only once and awhile, but then my grandmother passed away suddenly of a heart attack in late August of 2005, and I started having bad ones at least once a month, often times a lot more. Nothing can reassure me that I'm not dying when I'm worried. I tend to have panic attacks about internally bleeding. I have some problems (also from the time I was small) with hemorroids and it really freaks me out when I bleed from the rectal area. This is really, really embarrassing to admit but I tend to avoid going the to the restroom a lot, because that's where they start. I also don't like being alone much anymore, for fear of having an attack. I shake, feel dizzy, get nasuated, I cry, I can't sleep, my abomindon feels crampy because I've convinced myself I'm bleeding to death. I just don't know what to do to help myself get over this. I know what I am doing is totally illogical and dumb, and I feel really stupid after the attacks are over.
I've kept myself awake all night worrying for nothing many times before. [Sigh...] I know I'm fine, I had a physical last April and the doctor said I was the healthiest girl she had ever seen. I still can't stop worrying. My father is prone to panic attacks, as was my grandmother. I couldn't believe it when I read lots of other people have the same problem I have. I really want to break this cycle of worrying and stress. I'm losing to much of my life (not to mention my sleep!) over this. Does anyone have any advice for me? Thanks.

15-01-06, 09:42
just wanted to say hello and welcome :D
you will get lots of advice here and make some good friends...
you say you want to break the circle well thats a very good start... someone will be along to point you in the right direction soon...
dont feel silly and stupid as you are not alone...
take care

15-01-06, 10:31
Hi there! I know just how you feel, I have been given a clean bill of health from my doctor time and time again but still have panic attacks. There is nothing silly or stupid about, in fact, it's often said that people who are highly intelligent are more likely to suffer anxiety!!! (Oh to be dumb!) I also have family with anxiety problems, there are other things I'd rather have inherited. I think it is really admirable that you want to break the cycle...that's really brave and I am sure the support of the people on this forum (who are fantastic!) you will help you to overcome this problem, it might just take some time.

My thoughts are with you.

"This too, shall pass"

15-01-06, 10:55
Seems like you do get Panic attacks

Common Symptoms of Panic Attacks, Anxiety, Phobias and OCD. (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/NMPcms.php?nmppage=symptoms)

First Steps to overcoming Panic and Anxiety (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=942)


Your anxiety is the human representation of the pictures that you paint using your many vivid colours of revolving and reoccurring thoughts.
How big is your gallery ?

15-01-06, 12:32

Welcome to the forum, you will get a lot of good advice here and make some new friends.

It sounds as if you have a lot of health anxieties too, and the best way to overcome these is by positive thinking, and by changing your way of thinking and how your mind works.

Take care
Trac XX

'Live your life with arms wide open, today is where your book begins, the rest is still unwritten'