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27-03-10, 19:13
GPs say anxiety but I live in fear and doubt every day to the point ive stopped functioning. I have these cramping spasms right in middle of chest between breasts and spreading out into chest. They dont last for long enough to make me call for help but they have me paralysed by fear. Every day I have some form of chest pain. Does anyone relate to this type of pain. I have been referred to a cardio now and I am strongly praying that these pains are not caused by angina or any other form of heart disease :weep: very scared and alone

27-03-10, 19:37
How old are u?? Im imagining your quite young, and if so, i verrrry much doubt its heart disease, or a heart problem of any kind in fact! Its so rare for younger people to suddenly start getting heart problems.. Anyway, please try and keep yourself as relaxed as possible and carry on as best you can with normal day-to-day activities, or you will only make the anxiety worse..

I have been through the EXACT same symptoms for the last 3.5 months (cramping spasms and sharp pains/dull aches in chest, centre and under left breast) Ive called an ambulance out approximately 4 times. I have rushed to A&E approximately 6 times. Ive had 6 ECG's, the one i had 2 nights ago was for about 4 hours. I was also having double heartbeats. I had a chest Xray too. And guess what..... they found nothing! :) Its all anxiety and the muscle tension in the chest wall. And i bet you its the same for you :) My pain in my chest has basically completely cleared up since i found out there was nothing wrong with me! So what does that prove?? All i get now is twinges where the muscles have been sooooo tense for so long, and now they r loosening up coz im RELAXED.

Oh and, do the pains come and go? And does it hurt a bit when you touch or press on any part of your chest???? Because if it does, then it can ONLY be muscular or skeletal (meaning youve either bruised a bone, got chest wall inflammation, or uve pulled a muscle in ur chest! And none of those r harmful!) Whereas, if it was a problem with ur heart, u WOULDNT be able to FEEL pain or tenderness when you touched your chest, and the pain would be CONSTANT, It wouldnt just come and go (Thats a great bit of information to bear in mind, it really helped me).

I say just try n stay relaxed and calm and wait to see the cardiologist. But my expectations are pretty much that you will get the same conclusion i did! :) Good luck and try not to worry xx

27-03-10, 19:56
im 38 honey smoker for twenty five years is my main worry thanks for the reassurance im really struggling here

27-03-10, 20:03
38 is young!!!!! :) Its very unlikely its your heart, ul be fine. Anxiety is a devil! Take care and dont worry xx

sarah jayne
27-03-10, 22:13
ive been going through the same for the past 2 n a half years, i get awful chest pains when i least expect them, they dont last for long but they really scare me. Thats how my anxiety started with worrying if it is my heart. Ive had ecgs and they have been find but i got diagnosed with costachondritis about 6 months ago. Im 29 and a non smoker but im always ill :(

27-03-10, 23:10
Im 37 a smoker and have the exact same symptoms so you are def not alone. I have been having mine for nearly 20 years so Im pretty sure it anxiety by now - doesnt stop it scaring me though.
