View Full Version : Once something is ruled out by tests, do u start worrying about something new?

27-03-10, 21:05
Hi all and thanks for reading my post
I am a 28 year old female and have suffered from HA since about the age of 15 (although only really learned all about health anxiety in the last year or so and realised that is exactly what I suffer from).
Since that age I have been convinced I have been suffering from various forms of cancer, including ovarian, skin, lymphoma, brain.......
I have endured numerous tests over the years and each time something I'm convinced I have is ruled out by these tests, I feel better for a while and then new symptoms start occuring which convince me I have something else.
Things came to a head last summer and I was in a terrible state. I eventually pushed my consultant for a CT scan from my neck down and this showed nothing so for the first time in 12 years or so, I let myself believe there was nothing wrong with me and it was a great feeling. However in the last few months I have started getting eye pains and new floaters and flashes in my eyes and have now convinced myself I'm going blind. I keep telling myself it's just the anxiety like it has been before, but I can't get the bad thoughts out of my head.
I guess my question is just to see if others move on to new health worries once one thing is ruled out..............
Thanks in advance for any advice you can give x

ally b
27-03-10, 22:39
hi lou
i get this 2.1st time round i though i had cervical cancer,then it was breat cancer and rite now i think i have brain tumour. Even when results come bk clear,ya think butt......... what if it happens in the future,its neverending.
I think we need 2 change the way we think !!!!!!!
Its so hard,butt we will overcome this.......i ope . sending ya :bighug1:

27-03-10, 22:44
Im sure if you read around on the site you will find lots of people who have similar problems. I know that in my own way I am just the same always convinced of my impending mortaility and only get reassured for a little while by the medical profession before I find something to worry about again. I know for example that the chest pain I get is often trapped wind and anxiety related and have had ecg's etc to prove it but an evil voice in my head says "well it may have been panic or wind in the past but you know what? there's always a first time and this could be it" - it drives me crazy not being able to get away from my own negative self talk but this site has really helped me to see that there are so many other people out there will similar worries and while I dont wish it on anyone else that is somehoe reassuring - Im not THAT crazy - there are lots like me out there. Just take a look on the main forum lists at where the most posts are and where most people are viewing and I guarantee that at any time of day or night the health anxiety thread is by far the most active.

I know this doesnt give you answers to your problems but I hope it helps you see that you are not alone and that in turn gives you some comfort. I have been suffering health anxiety for about 20 years. sometimes worse than others and you know I only discovered this site and learned thats what it is a few weeks ago and I think it has already helped massively.

Hope you are ok


28-03-10, 04:01
Yes, I know what you are saying, I feel this way all the time. I work alone a lot of the time, so I have so much free time to think about things, so when I hear about a certain cancer I think I might have I sometimes google it, and I have now somewhat stopped myself from doing. I get to the point that if I'm not worrying about my health I like find stuff to worry about. I always come back to there is something wrong with me, I do know that my thinking has got to change, but how to change it is not going to be easy and I do need help to change it, where to go I don't know yet, but I do know that this site is a life saver, I love this site and hope when I post these little replys that they do help people like me somewhat. Right now I am worrying about 3 different things wrong with me, and let me tell you that is very overwheling. Try and stay positive and talk yourself out of what you are thinking.

Hope all will work out for you. Good luck! :)

28-03-10, 07:11
Its part of our issue.

We are constantly looking for something that is wrong, and cant stop until we find it to become more worried.

This is the nature of anxiety.

I also had all my tests done few years ago, and wasnt convinced.

And now with my flu, i feel that everything is nacked inside me becuase of high fever for days. I even thought that i had a brain damage caused by prolonged fever.