View Full Version : can anxiety make walking difficult

27-03-10, 22:11
Just want to ask everyone if they have this symptom. Nearly everyday I have this. When I am walking my toes are clenched I can only describe it as my toes grip the floor. Also my legs feel stiff and makes walking a problem, like its hard to put one foot in front of the other and walk slowly when it happens. I have. Agraphobia and anxiety, also i kind of walk to the side aswell, I am worried because I have this at home too. I am very anxious at the moment, but it seems to be my symptoms that cause my panic attacks.
Thank you for Reading
Ann x

27-03-10, 23:01
are you on meds?
do you only get this when your anxious?

I clench my toes to, I notice it because when I'm anxious my toes end up getting all crampy , although I don't do it when walking.

It could be simply a symptom of anxiety, but hopefully someone else here may have more experience of the subject.
It does sound quite uncomfortable, hope you'll be ok :)

28-03-10, 04:35
That was the one syptom that scared me the most. I got so bad that I never wore shoes so I could feel the ground with my feet. It always made me feel better for some reason. I also felt like I was always walking to the left for some reason. Anxiety will always play on the thing that worries you most. Mine is better now but I do remember exactly how you feel. If I can help please let me know. It will get better.:)

28-03-10, 16:30

I do it all the time clench my toes....when I had councelling a few years ago he taught me how to take notice of my body and how I sit etc as I never seem to relax naturally I tend to sit on the edge of seats etc until I am aware then sit back or relax my toes etc....but I think if you are naturally an anxious person you just do it without thinking. I dont clench them when walking though.
