View Full Version : nice BBC article on cbt and panic

28-03-10, 12:51

it's nice to hear some feel good stories :) , i think it's easy when reading NMP to think that nobody ever recovers from anxiety which of course is not true.

28-03-10, 13:06
I agree with you about the nice stories, it is always good to hear other peoples successes..not too sure I share your opinion re NMP though! :winks:

It is here to help, advise and support those going through difficult times but there are also many of us here who are in the "coping better" stages who come here to offer support to others.
There is also the success stories section!

I personally don't believe in "recovery" (but each to their own) rather being able to manage their condition without too much disruption..until it doesn't affect day to day life.

If a "recovered" person has a lapse/blip whatever you want to call it, then they are often left feeling stunned and as if they have failed in some way which isn't true and is rather sad.

Whatever way works for the individual is the way to go forward for them and if it means gathering info and support here until they are strong enough to make their journey then I'm all for it.

Just my opinion :)

28-03-10, 13:14
yeah sorry i wasn't trying to be negative about NMP, it's an amazing resource and was a great help to me when i was recovering from GAD and panic, i just mean it's easy to forget sometimes that people do get better.

It's a shame you don't believe in recovery :( i myself have just recovered and feel better than ever but of course this was only recent so i may have a relapse. My brother however had a big breakdown of the claire weekes kind 9 years ago and spent 2 weeks in the psychiatric ward and even had some psychotic symptoms. He fully recovered after about 5 months and has been one of the happiest people i know for the last 9 years.

like you say, each to their own, but i don't think you can really deny that recovery does happen!!

28-03-10, 13:20
I read the article and its great that this person as well as any of us found his cure.

I WANT to believe thought that you can recover.

Managing your condition is same as recovery.

This site is one of the best comminuties for people with anxiety and depression to feel not an outsider.

We need to feel that we are not alone with our problem, this is over 50% of recovery.

28-03-10, 19:47
depends how you interpret the word recovery?!

i do not think you can use the word recovery because this implies anxiety is an illness which is not because anxiety is an emotional response as is happiness/sadness etc - it is just that in some people it gets out of control. we are not aiming for a total lack of anxiety - anxiety is essential in small amounts to help keep us safe.

i read the article and even the man concerned says he still gets anxiety but knows he has the tools to manage it. i do not think i am being negative here by saying that once you have suffered anxiety/depression/ a break down - you will always have it there to some degree - even if it is just the memories of it - the positive message is is that once you have coped and "recovered" to such a degree that it does not rule your life then you know - if it returns - you can do so again. i have felt as though anxiety has made my life a living hell at times - HOWEVER - it is also brought a lot of positives into my life at the same time.