View Full Version : Weak, tired, slow heart rate, anxiety feeling but not anxious. Is this anxiety?

28-03-10, 13:56
As the title says is it anxiety?

I have this awful chest feeling where i feel really anxious, but im not. Its like something awful is about to happen or just has and im really anxious and sort of have a scared feeling but im not.

Also I feel when i yawn i cant get enough breath in my lungs.

And that butterfly type feeling in my stomach, but its really physical, but its out of the blue and im just not anxious. It stops me sleeping when it happens at night because if feel full of adrenalin almost. And i keep waking up gasping. I cant get enough air.

It feels very physical and my chest feels sort of "unsettled". Really hard to explain but my heart beat seems really slow whenever i feel like this and just feel really weak and tired.

Ive had heart traces over the years and even a scan because of palpatations and nothing has ever been found but could this possible be anxiety?

Any of your experiences or views would be great. I am yet to see the doctor about a diagnosis of anxiety or not. Appointments are like gold dust around here and getting one is a real nightmare.

I have m.e and i do get alot of symptoms which are similar to anxiety and sometimes as i have written on another post, i do wonder if it is all anxiety.

Also i dont think its like a panic attack because its for such a long time. It can be on and off or almost constant day through to night. Although it is usually from mid evening until i manage to get to sleep.

sarah x

28-03-10, 16:29
Hi, thanks for your reply. yes fibro, cfs are under the same kind of "umbrella" as m.e. And yes the symptoms can be very similar. but this particular uneasy, anxiety, chest type feeling i have started to have in the last 6 or more months is one ive not had before. With m.e/cfs etc you do tend to get the same old symptoms all the time but then every now and then a new one will come, then it will become after a while, the same old symptoms like the others. And then you stop worrying about them.

But this just sort of feels anxiety related because it does feel like the physical feeling of anxiety. But without knowingly feeling anxious. I just wasnt sure on the tiredness and weakness and slow heart rate that accompanies it.

sarah x

28-03-10, 17:01
Hi sarah ! Sounds like what i go through now and then with anx , As it happens im having a bout of it past few days , slow heart , butterflies or horrible feeling in my stomach ,deppressed , weak , scared , feels like there is no life in me , i have had this on and off for years , doesnt get any easier dealing with it when its hapening mind you , it does pass , just horrible waiting for ir to go .. went out for an hour today and couldnt handle feeling like this in public , feel so drained , so best just sleep it off till it passes .. can always remember as a kid always feeling unwell and tired quite a lot , sometimes wonder if there is some underlying problem .. hope you feel better soon .. paul .. :)

29-03-10, 08:27
I to had all the above symptoms i was told i had cfs after a throat virus and a bit of anxiety seems to me if they cant find nothing then that what they diagonse you with.

After loads of blood test eventually they found i had extremely low iron so now im on iron tablets hoping thats what was causing my symptoms :)

29-03-10, 16:14
thanks for the replies. Paul, i sympathise, i had to go out this afternoon feeling like this and its definatley worse when im out of the house, so anxiety is definately making whatever it is worse.

I am pretty sure its no the m.e as it feels so anxiety related. i find it also disappears when im busy talking or doing something and my mind comes off it for a while, which also suggests it could be anxiety.

Seems weird for it be be an anxiety thing when your heart rate seems so slow though? Thought anxiety was supposed to make your heart race?
I also feel that i havent the energy to even talk when i get one of these episodes. Feel so drained and weak.

scary as you are always wondering what if its something else.
its my worst symptom.

sarah x

29-03-10, 20:30
Hey there,

Does it keep you up at night when you try to sleep? Like you always feel tired, even when you want to sleep, but have trouble falling asleep?

I kind of have been going through the same. Just read this, hope it helps ya.


31-03-10, 13:34
thenykid - thanks for reply. yes it does. and if i do drop off to sleep i wake up gasping for breath. just awful.


08-01-12, 00:39
i cried when i read this, yes cried! i always get the slow heart rate and feel weak its scares the CRAP out of me

24-01-13, 10:32
thanks for the replies. Paul, i sympathise, i had to go out this afternoon feeling like this and its definatley worse when im out of the house, so anxiety is definately making whatever it is worse.

I am pretty sure its no the m.e as it feels so anxiety related. i find it also disappears when im busy talking or doing something and my mind comes off it for a while, which also suggests it could be anxiety.

Seems weird for it be be an anxiety thing when your heart rate seems so slow though? Thought anxiety was supposed to make your heart race?
I also feel that i havent the energy to even talk when i get one of these episodes. Feel so drained and weak.

scary as you are always wondering what if its something else.
its my worst symptom.

sarah x or
Hi Sarah, Im sorry to hear you are feeling this way. Are you on medication for Blood Pressure or Beta Blockers ? I have the same symptoms as you, feeling jittery, feeling my heart beat but slowly, around 60BPM. Its as though I want my heart to so I know its a panic attack.

27-01-13, 18:30
All of those symptoms sound exactly like how I felt today. I was feeling so weak and strange, so I tried to find my pulse and I couldn't feel it at all, finally found it and it was slow and weak. Got so freaked out, my heart started racing and pounding. I feel like my heart is going to give out on me, this can't be normal. :(

13-03-15, 07:40
I have experienced those symptoms and it took me 2 years to find out that I had Hyperventillation Syndrome and could improve my symptoms/attacks greatly with proper breathing techniques. It's important to breathe in and out of your diaphram instead of your chest. Each day and each night I spend 5 minutes practicing breathing in through my nose for 4 seconds, out through my mouth for 5 seconds and then hold my breath for 2 seconds and repeat whole process again. I also use this technique anytime I feel an attack coming on and it helps. People who have HVS also often suffer from anxiety too as is the case with me. Hopefully this info can be useful to someone.

23-03-15, 09:27
thanks for info