View Full Version : aaaggghhh not again PLEASE.

magic girl
28-03-10, 18:57
we're only 2 days into the school holidays and already im on the edge,i had a bad relapse over christmas and had my meds increased(venlafaxine 150mg from 75mg)iv gradually started to get better and even managed to stand up at the back of my sons easter church service with school for 45 minets on thursday then yesterday i got up and my arms and legs started to feel weak and shaky and i feel dizzy and weird like im going to go mad.iwent to sleep for a bit and felt a bit better when i woke up and then this morning i felt worse than yesterday so i went on a mad cleaning spree but found it difficult as my son who has aspergers and adhd was being really hyper and was constantly in my face and i really lost my temper with him and decided to try and sleep again but i kept being disturbed so gave up.then while trying to eat my dinner which i really could'nt eat i just burst into tears which isnt like me and my hubby and son just sat stareing at me so i ran upstairs and carried on sobbing before calming down a bit and carried on cleaning.i feel so rough and im annoyed as i was doing o.k until yesterday and iv got my son off school for the next 2 weeks and i don't know how im going to cope and iv got to take my car to be m.o.ted tommorow and leave it there as it needs work doing and then iv got to walk a mile home with my son when my legs feel like jelly:weep::weep: aagghh help at this rate i will be in hospital soon why does it have to happen at the worst time im dreading waking up in the morning:weep::weep:

28-03-10, 19:16
well love it happens because we get keyed up at the thought of ,, things that are out of our comfort zone ,as soon as we re anxiety kicks in ,making us feel ill when we are not ,, with your little boy being over active the thought of coping is making your brain go into overdrive ,just like Christmas ,the thought of it and all we have to do does the same ,, i know its hard but try to stay calm think of things you could do to keep your son occupied ,, have you friends or family you could ask to look after him now and then over the holiday,, remember your not ill even if you feel it ,,its anxiety ,,the more you worry the wore it will become ,try to stay focused and don't let it ruin you time with your son love maggie

28-03-10, 21:55
hello magic girl,
you are such a strong,capeable woman.you have so much to deal with no wonder you feel the way you do..remember we are here for you and you are not alone..

28-03-10, 22:12
Hi Magic girl,

First of all, well done for managing to be in your son's Easter service - that's really great! Try and find little things that you can do to give you a sense of achievement and confidence in yourself.

I understand that you feel annoyed with yourself - I get frustrated when my GAD rears its head as it does every now and then - but it's not your fault at all and you will get through it.

Can you think of anything that helps when you're feeling like this? I have a list of things to do to help me get out of my anxious mind - walking is my favourite one, especially if I have something to listen to as well to distract myself.

Don't worry about your son - he sounds like he has a really loving Mum, and that's all a child needs.

Keep talking on this forum - there are loads of people who understand and who can help.

Love sfee

magic girl
29-03-10, 15:25
thanks guys it really does help knowing that you understand what im going through.i woke at 4am this morning and could'nt get to sleep again so just had to lay there,i tried to read one of my dr clair weeks books but i could'nt concentrate so i opened the curtains to let some light in and just lay there.i rang my recovery team at 8.30 but one of the nurses i see was'nt there until lunch so they took my number and said she would ring back but im still waiting.i let my son make some bread earlier and we are waiting for it to rise again before putting it in the oven and my mum is taking my car to be m.o.ted and then she is coming back to check on me.iv got a appointment with psycologist on thursday i just hope i can hang on in there until then.i might ask for some different meds as iv been on venlafaxine for 7 years and my mum(who is a nurse)thinks i might be to used to them and the effects are no longer good enough so it might be time for a change.im worried about changing them as i will have to go through the side effects thing again and i hate feeling this ill especially when im so tired and my son is making loads of noise:weep::weep:

29-03-10, 16:00
Hi Magic girl,
I also woke up at 4 am today and couldnt sleep. I am tired now, Anxious al day long. Its very annoying when you are not feeling right and you have to look after your son, or try to be adequate. Its very hard. dont get frustrated,
Flu caused me this cicle of anxiety and attacks.

Actually I was working long hours somenights until 12 at night 2 weeks ago. Body can probably take only so much stress...

You will manage to look after your son during hols, I have to do the same with my 2 kids from next week. My mam will help me though - she will be visiting us. Maybe you should take a help from somedy as well during holidays, maybe take him to his friends houses sometimes. Or go out with him every day to places, try not to stay at home with him.

Tablets can make you relapse as well. Try and wait for the doctors visit if you can to ask him.
Hope you can hang i there

magic girl
29-03-10, 21:56
thanks thumbelina at least i was'nt the only one starring at a bedroom ceiling in the early hours,at least it gets light earlier at this time of the year.it doesnt help when you feel shattered all day and you just want to crawl into bed for a kip but kids won't let you so you have to drag yourself round trying to find things to keep them occupied and its chucking it down with rain so you can't do anything outside school holidays don't you just love em:wacko:

eternally optimistic
29-03-10, 22:14

I sympathise with your situation.

You have a load of things going on.

I am sure with the support of your mum who has a professional background, you will get through.

Best wishes and lots of luck.

Take care and keep smiling.

magic girl
30-03-10, 11:07
woke up again in the early hours feeling terrible and could'nt get back to sleep,once daylight came i opened the curtains and read for a bit and then just lay there drifting in and out of sleep until i decided to get up and wobble down the stairs and sit in the kitchen i feel as weak as a kitten i hate this i was doing so well before the holidays and i had plans and things to do in the holidays but now im frightened to go out,im trying to decide wheather to go to my mum and dads house but im worried about going mad why did this have to happen now i feel so useless i just want it to stop:weep::weep:

30-03-10, 11:36
its normally lasts for some days, it doesnt go away just like that, ,,,

Just try and float through whatever emotions and feeling take over you, it is very easy, it is like floating on waves, if you float - you will be ut on the shore sooneer.

magic girl
30-03-10, 19:25
after feeling wobbly all morning i rang my mum and told her i needed to make myself go out,she came round in the car as mine is in for m.o.t and we decided to walk round waitrose as iv run out of flour and my son wanted to make a cake we were there for about half an hour and i did'nt rush i took my time as i did'nt want to battle with my anxiety and i did o.k i was a bit wobbly but i expected that.im not looking foward to tommorow as my mum and dad are going to a nearby city on the train so i wont be able to get hold of her if i get desperate so im going to plan the whole day before i go to bed so its full and i dont think about things i just wish these horrible feelings would hurry up and go i hate them:mad::mad:on the plus side my car passed its m.o.t which is a relief:D