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View Full Version : I am so scared..

28-03-10, 20:13
I woke up 2 days ago with a swollen lymph node right infront of my ear. Like the size of a pea. It's so painful and hard, it's driving me crazy. I haven't even been sick! I'm so scared it's Leukemia or something awful and no one will listen to me at home about it.
What the heck is this? Has anyone ever had this before? I'm terrified!

28-03-10, 20:24
I had a swelling right in front of my ear once that was really sore and lasted days and it turned out to be an infection in the salivery gland but they still come up and go down from time to time. Go get it checked at the docs incase its an underlying infection but dont fret about it as its notso unusual and doesnt mean you have leukemia.

take care


28-03-10, 21:02
I have had this before (although the gland was just behind my ear) - I hadn't been ill.

It is 99.9% likely that it is just your body fighting something off (I mean a cold or simple virus) and that is why your gland is up. Try not to prod and poke it because you will make it worse!!

It'll probably go down on it's own in a couple of days....

28-03-10, 23:03
My son had a spot on his neck..(normal tenage spot)it made his lymph gland on his neck swell up !(actually 2 lumps appeared) when the spot was treated with a spot cream the lumps dissapeared..took bout 2 weeks tho...