View Full Version : Clicking throat & indigestion = crippling fear - help!!

28-03-10, 20:57

I am new here having just found this forum (will do an intro seperately in a mo).

I am 37 and just before Christmas 2008 I had flu, which resulted in a sore throat for much of the winter. I then quite suddenly developed (when laying in bed one morning approx March last year) a "clicking" in my throat.

This happens when I swallow saliva and feels like a clicking/grinding sensation at the level of my Adam's apple. It never occurs with food and only very rarely with liquid. It seems to occur more upon waking and also when I am stressed.

I have been to the GP at least 3 times and they (have seen more than one) are all unconcerned. The last time she did offer me a nasal spray which I confess I haven't tried. She also said if I really want she will refer me to ENT to have a camera down - this in itself terrifies me!!

I have Googled and did find numerous forums where people spoke of the "throat click" - it's thought it could be cartilege/hyiod bone grinding and is stress related but I can't help thinking it is more sinister (the big C).

The latest thing to worry me is over the past month I have had 3 episodes of indigestion (never had it before) where a long time after I have eaten (hours) I get a feeling of tightness around my middle (under my bust/bottom of my ribs) and within 15 mins or so it turns into excruciating pain going through to my back.

Each time I have taken a Pepcid Two and co-codamol and the pain has gone away within 20 minutes.

Now DH gets indigestion (which came on suddenly for him a few years ago - the first time it happened we called an ambulance!!:blush:) and he says what I am experiencing is exactly how he gets it.

However, I couldn't stop myself Googling and I can't help worrying that this coupled with the throat click could be cancer :unsure:

Incidentially, my Grandmother died of throat cancer in her late 60's which doesn't ease my anxiety especially as she was a non-smoker.

Thanks so much if you have read all this, my first mammoth post!!

S x

28-03-10, 21:14
have you tried omeprazole i had what you had and im ok now

28-03-10, 21:17
Thanks for your reply. Did you have the clicking throat too?

28-03-10, 21:21
Hi there

I'm quite sure that the 'clicky' noise is quite natural, i'm sat here trying myself. It's just the noise we make when swallowing saliva. You may always have had this but never noticed it before until you had your poorly throat. In my opinion, it's completely natural but because you have fixated on it, it's become and anxiety and problem.

I ended up at the emergency doctor twice because of indigestion. I seriously was convinced that something serious was going on because i had never had such pain before in my chest.

NEVER use the google monster hun for health issues as it will always throw up the worst case scenario and never the right answer.


28-03-10, 22:36
Hi there - I had a prolonged cough and sinus problem this summer and ever since then I have had a clicky throat - it almost feels like a nervous habit now so I spoke to the doctor and he had a look and said everything is fine - its just me fixating on it. Its def worse when my throat gets 'claggy' so that would explain why its worse for you when you wake up or at certain times. BTW if you are getting indigestion co-codamol may not be the best option, perhaps something more gentle on your stomach might be better like paracetamol?

Go get some omeprozol from the docs and Im sure that will resolve the tummy troubles. With the throat I would recommend making sure you keep well hydrated so its less likely to get sticky.

Hope you feel better - pm me if you want to talk about it


29-03-10, 14:48
You mentioned the Dr said she could send you to ent for a camera down throat and you sounded a bit freaked about that - don't be I am worlds worst at gettting severe panic at anything medical but a few months ago I had this done at ent outpatient - I had no idea they would do it - in fact the consultant didnt even tell me what he was doing he just shot forward and sprayed something up my nose:ohmy: and said I will put a camera down and look at your voice box - the stuff was local aneathesia which felt odd and tasted horrible but nothing too freaky - I was so stunned he just went ahead . The camera is not that bad - bit odd feeling but nothing like having a gastroscopy where they go past your throat to your stomach. Once the camera with in position I had to sing lassss in various pitches and then he whipped it out which was novel feeling but over in a second.
Everything was fine and he told me straight away. I was in and out in 10 mins and just had to wait an hour to numbness to wear off before I could drink hot drink.
so if you want your mind put at rest its not bad at all.