View Full Version : Hello - I'm new!!

28-03-10, 21:15
Hiya all,

I am new here so thought I woud post a little intro!!

I am Sarah and I'm 37 and live in Hampshire with my hubby and two sons.

I have always been a worrier and have suffered from health anxieties for as long as I can remember - particular centered on fear of cancer and death.

In more recent years (since 2000) I have become emetophobic (fear of vomiting) also. When I was pregnant with my second child I had such severe pregnancy sickness for the whole pregnancy that I was admitted 9 times to hospital for re-hydration therapy. This triggered my phobia.

I had to give up working because of it because people would come in and make a throwaway comment about someone being ill and I would rush out because I considered them germy. I have even left my trolley in Asda because the check out girl looked peaky!!

I also suffer from anxiety induced nausea whereby I get so worried I am going to be sick I make myself feel sick.

I have tried all kinds of therapies for my emetophobia including CBT; group therapy; NLP; acupuncture; hypnotherapy; Bach flower remedies and a 3 week admission to The Priory.

My main concern is my heath anxiety which having lost my Dad to cancer last June is bad ATM. I am soooooo worried I will not make it to old age it's crippling :weep:

Anyway that's me....

S x

28-03-10, 21:19
Hi Always-Worried

A huge warm welcome to nmp.

You'll get loads of advice and support here and make some lovely friends along the way.

Best wishes

28-03-10, 21:23
Hey i find this website very helpful and normally there is no getting through to me! I had a massive fear of cancer and death...that is a normal sign of anxiety. There is treatment for it and isnt incurable its normally curable! x

Vanilla Sky
28-03-10, 22:07
Hi and welcome to NMP :welcome: Paige x