View Full Version : Thank you

28-03-10, 21:32
I'd just like to say a big thank you to everyone that has taken the time to reply to my posts on here (my sometimes bizarre posts!).

Your reassurances on things have helped calm me down alot when I cant tell anyone else my fears. I have quite a high level job and in every other aspect of my life im never neurotic but with health I seem to have every worry going. My worries always seem to stem from something I fnd though, like say a mole that looks odd and then Il worry for weeks its skin cancer or il notice a red patch in my mouth and think its mouth cancer, as oppose to from nothing at all, so know im not hypercondriac, but have come to conclusion since stumbling across this forum it must be health anxiety i.e. when I find a lump or bump or have a couple of symtoms I diagnose them as something portentially serious!

I live with parents at the moment, and my close friends wouldnt understand as none of them are in any way neurotic, so have no one to mention my worries to (my mum tries to be supportive, butmy dad just jits the roof if I even mention anything). Dont have a boyfriend so have no one reslly specific I can turn to who will support me through evrything (ive found friends are ok for certain things but tend to er not care about certain things when it gets tugh or maybe I just have rubbish friends- something I very much suspect to be honest lol).

Anyways purpose of this post was just to thank each person who has replied to me at some point over last 3 months, cos it really does help that someone can either relate or put my mnd at rest and say ive worried about that you really dont need to! x

Plus no doubt il be posting again in future so thanks in advance for that support ;-)

28-03-10, 22:59
...smile yr not alone....its good to talk..!!..