View Full Version : I can't quite breathe!

28-03-10, 21:52
im not anxious it just suddenly happens randomly, my breathing feels shallow and i cant breathe in fully it feels all muffled up in my throat/chest and it upsets me, its usually when i move around i feel all stuffed up :weep: someone please give me an answer im scared. :weep:

28-03-10, 22:39
aww hun sorry to hear ur suffering like this ,we spoke the other night about all these breathing issues must b somethnk to do with the nasty anxiety iv suffered for over a month an it feels like im not gettin enough air an takin deep breaths r totally impossible whn i panick ,its somethink to do with the way we breath wen were nervous put ur hand on ur tummy do u feel it moving when u breathe ,becos panick is linked to chest breathing an this makes it worse an all the muscles get tight.try breathing out slowly and let it all out. hugs c.xx if u wana chat pm me