View Full Version : Can Anyone Help

29-03-10, 00:44
Hi, Can any one relate to a problem that I am having, I take propranolol and
Lercanidipine (not sure if this has anything to do with it) but I have what I call funny turns. I feel like a have a little leakage down below (but I actually don't) then the palpations start to come on (propranolol keeps this down now but they used to be really bad) and I then come out in a rash on the top half of the body, mostly the neck shoudlers and across the nose. It can last for anywhere between 5 mins and 30 mins and I feel exhausted afterward. I get scared every time and this also triggers the HA which compounds the symptoms.
The rash is very red but will dissapear if pressed and can make me feel im burning up even though the temperature is fine!

:blush: Its got me baffled and the docs too so wondered if there is anyone out there who might be able to help me?

:doh: Dolly x

29-03-10, 01:29
Hi Dolly :D:hugs:

My sister (who does not suffer anxiety ) used to come out with a rash , it looked very red in patches, across her top half of her body and she would feel very very hot, hers would last, I would say, the same as yours, this was due to the menapause. My goodness me, you could see it when it happend, then, it would just go, this went on for a good while, but at this present moment in time, she has come through the menapause AND its gone.

Could this be you hun, just a sugestion.

You take care


29-03-10, 12:25
Thank you Jill, heres hoping it is the menopause, just one more thing to copw with but at least it will finish in time.

Thanks again :):hugs:
Dollie x

29-03-10, 13:07
Goung through the same as u have made an appointment 4 menopause clinic positive some of my symptoms r related 2 that never had any of this until i hit 50 and they withdrew me from HRT over night then it all went haywire.