View Full Version : Have I got food posioning?

29-03-10, 03:07
Hey guys. So basically its 3 AM in the UK and I'm awake cos I've got a mild stomach ache and I'm preety much too terrified too sleep because I think it's food posioning! I had a roast beef dinner at a carvery about 12 hours ago, it tasted fine plus a Creme Egg McFlurry (Which at the time was yummy!( and when I got in, a few hours later I had tinned Ravioli on Toast. Thats all I had to eat today.

I've been really fed up about my job lately, and I've been getting headaches and general aches. But the stomach ache I've got now is in the centre of my stomach, I keep belching and I've got a dry mouth.

As its been 12 hours, if there was something wrong with me, would I of been sick already?

I'm sorry if this doesnt make much sense, I'm just scared and need some reassurance :weep:

29-03-10, 03:58
I think it's the combination of foods you ate. It will take time to digest. I'm in the US and don't know if you have the same OTC drugs as we do, but if you have any TUMS or Pepto Bismol, I'd take either of those. I think you'll be fine. Just give your body time to process it.

29-03-10, 04:04
since you can eat beef pretty rare/raw I'd say chances of getting sick are low.
I'm a vegetarian and a few years back I got food poisoning of coleslaw? is that how you spell it?

drink lots of water and fluid and take some multivitamins just in case so it might help flush out any bacteria.

29-03-10, 21:59
Ive had food poisoning , i wont go into detail as i wouldnt like to scare anyone - as 12 hours has passed im 99.9% sure you just have a stomach upset, there is a lot of it going around at the moment.