View Full Version : bit panicky this morning

29-03-10, 08:02
Woken this morning and feeling really anxious and full of panic...

Don't know if it is because I have an Avon woman coming today or whether it is the setraline hitting full impact, I haven't been for my early morning walk but have been busy all morning but can't seem to shift it...any advice x

29-03-10, 08:38
dunno sharon but maybe you need more sleep?? i get panicky when i haven't had enough sleep. i would doubt that the avon lady in your own home would do it but who knows?
maybe, as it's panic, you should be finding ways to fight these feelings? it is panic, you know it's panic so why not use some methods to get rid? Good luck x

29-03-10, 09:15
Hi Sharon and Flampy,
I am similar today.

I am recovering from nasty flu that caused a husge panic attack for me last Sunday asmy fever was very high and i couldnt understand what was happenig to me. In this situation i just started to panic, later i had fever for a week, took antibiotics, back to work now. But still very anxious, even panicky at times, cant eat much... mainly drink. This nasty flu done some damage... I am very tired today as i was up since 4am with worry. I am sure that this will go away - but why so long....

Sharon - we cant shift it because we are sitting insite the anxiety bubble. Its only when we pop it we wll be out of it.

I feel currently like evertyhing is cloudy and blur.

29-03-10, 09:28
Hi Thumbalina

I'm sorry to hear you are too having a rough time..and I truly hope you feel better soon... There is nothing worse than when anxiety and panic hits from nowhere... I try to find why I am finding that way but this morning there really is nothing I can lay my finger on...

I am becoming an avon rep and I have to be honest I don't like strangers in my house... I always feel on edge and today someone is coming and she will be here for approx an hour and a half... don't know whether it is that but how pathetic if it is....

I have since been out for a long power walk and done 100 sit ups and whilst I do feel better after my quick burst in the bath I can still feel it rumbling away and knotting up in my stomach... I feel like I want to cry but have honestly nothing to cry about today whatsoever...

This is day 8 of Setraline and I wondered if it is that I have been able to work through it before but this morning the bugger is taking hold...

Anyway thank you and I wish you well soon the flu is horrible and it really does take it out of you x

29-03-10, 09:45
Hi Flumpy

I do try to use keeping myself occupied, deep breathing and exercise but today it has taken hold I feel it most days but can deal with it...

I did manage to get a nights sleep in last night which is even more confusing but did wake up soaked through again... and there is nothing at all for me to feel upset about as far as I am aware... usually if something is upsetting me I don't sleep at all.

Sorry I somehow missed your post completely ... god knows how... x

29-03-10, 09:49
glad you getting better you have gone through such a lot ,think you will be grat avon lady with your looks and smile your friend mxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx:hugs:

29-03-10, 09:58
Hi M

thanks my dear... then you should definitely do it ha ha my good looking friend...

How are things with you? know you have gone through a rough patch of late though have noticed you are back to posting helpful advice so was hoping that you are feeling better and stronger.

She is coming at 10.30 so it won't be long now arghhhhh ... I've cut my hours at work I only do 30 hours now a week and really has made a difference we do struggle now for money... am prepared to try anything to bring some pennies in without being tied to the office ... the shorter day does make a huge difference I like being home earlier .. x