View Full Version : Introductions - newbie on the forum

29-03-10, 08:30
Hi there,

I'm Adam - its complicated but the reason I am here is to seek some solace from others in a similar situation.

I had 4 major life events or catastrophes occur at the same time last year in October (was it really that long ago)? Since then I have been on Sertraline and Quitiapine in varying doses as well as having spent a month in the Priory in Jan 2010.

It is tearing me apart and feels there is no end in sight, just taking each day as it comes and being kind to myself. I am up and down like a yoyo, generally on the up but the crashes these days tend to be big ones.

Currently I am at home not having worked for 6 months.

Would love to hear from others who can help.


29-03-10, 08:33
Hi mradamwalker

We just wanted to welcome you aboard to NMP. We hope you enjoy your stay here and get all the support and advice you need.

Please take some time to read the website articles on the left as well for loads of advice and tips.

Veronica H
29-03-10, 11:29
:welcome:Ads. Glad that you have found us. You will find comfort, support and great information here.
