View Full Version : Hi I'm new and would like support...

29-03-10, 09:54
I have been experiencing major panic attacks along with anxiety for over 5years now. At times I feel I've made some progess, but then I get hit by a wave and can't stop myself from going under.
I've just had some big news, which should be good, but so far all I've done is panic, and now I feel sooo low.


29-03-10, 09:55
Hi schr

We just wanted to welcome you aboard to NMP. We hope you enjoy your stay here and get all the support and advice you need.

Please take some time to read the website articles on the left as well for loads of advice and tips.

30-03-10, 16:59
Hello Pepper.

Welcome to nmp :welcome:.

Anxiety is difficult to cope with, and hard to understand, but I am sure you will find plenty of good advice and support here from people who will be able to relate to your situation.

31-03-10, 19:33
Hi Schr/Pepper.

From my observation change and/or the unexpected are amongst the biggest triggers for anxiety. Even good change or nice surprises. As anxiety sufferers we just react badly to them.

If you can put the one big panic behind you and not feel too guilty for it you may overcome it all quite quickly. It certainly sounds like you've been doing quite well up till now. Or have a big share on here and see if that helps.

Probably the worst thing you can do is feel down at yourself for not being perfect! Have a hug. :hugs: As sufferers we tend to feel anxious even when something good happens, as we doubt that we deserve it, or that people really mean it, or worry that it might end. Nearly always this is wrong or at least to excess. We're the opposite of those people who get tricked into thinking they won a lottery they never entered. We doubt our right to have a chance (let alone a win) after spending money on a ticket - ie. when its the wrong time to bother having doubts!

Hope that helps