View Full Version : Feeling hot all the time

29-03-10, 11:57
I don't know what's wrong with me lately. Last year (about 5 months ago I'd say) I went to the Dr because I felt hot all the time. It was winter and I was there sleeping in a vest instead of pjs because I was so hot. I would still feel the cold when I first went out or got up in the morning but it wouldn't take me long until I was really hot. I also feel achy all over like I have a permanant virus, basically just not right. My Dr did full blood works and my ESR levels came back raised which means a sign of imflammation or infection in the body. She sent me for a chest xray which was normal and that was it, she didn't bother investigating any further.

Now again the getting hot all the time is back, I had a vest top on last night and my Mum and sister were on about how cold it had got but I was boiling. I couldn't sleep last night for feeling so hot, like it was the middle of summer.

I know it's not down to anxiety as I'm not anxious or panicking when it happens. I just don't know what it is but I know I feel so rough and completely wiped out. Doing the slightest thing is making me so tired. This morning I went on the exercise bike and literally within 2 mins I couldn't breathe, was boiling hot and in pain.

I just don't know what is wrong with me but it's getting me down :weep:

29-03-10, 14:32
There are so many possible reasons for this that you really do need to go back to the Dr and insist on tests- it could just be a persistant virus but they can tell if you have a virus by certain blood tests and even which virus it is but again this is specific blood tsts not the routine ones - as you said the routine ones showed up that you had something going on but its only an indicator and as you obviously got better your Dr assumed it was a passing virus or infection but as its back you need to be persistant.

If all you routine bloods come back normal then its very unlikely to be anything sinister but don't let your Dr fob you off this time.

I am not trying to worry you just being sensible here honest:hugs:

29-03-10, 18:51
Hi Cat,
I actually posted about this quite awhile ago as i was always feeling hot and flushed.
And im still the same, everyones moaning in my house that i keep opening windows etc, but i cant help it.....i took my daughter to school in a tee shirt this morning and had some very funny looks!!! At the moment i do have a bad cold/cough so naturally id be warm with that, but honestly im hot all the time anyway.
Sorry i have no answers etc just thought id say im exactly the same.

Debs xx

30-03-10, 10:27
Thanks for the replies. I'm going to try and get an appointment with my Dr as at the moment the anxiety is back full force so will go about that and the feeling hot all the time. I just don't want to be told SSRI's are the only way to go because they've all made me feel worse and not better. If that's all there is then I have no hope of getting over this anxiety

30-03-10, 10:52
If the doc exausted all the test and said its fine, i would try to start relaxing.
I do sometimes wake up in sweat sometimes weeks prior to my anxiety spells. It your body shows it this way. You do not have to have all the symptoms of anxiety and panic together, everybody is different, some people have shakes, some sweat, some are cold, some like to eat allot during anxiety panic - some cant look at food....

If you still worry, tell this to your doctor, otherwise try to relax (i know easy to say)....