View Full Version : Am I really choking?

29-03-10, 12:26
I have developed this scary habit of waking in the night, usually around an hour after going to sleep, and think that I'm choking. :weep:

I can be choking on anything. Usually an instrument like a knife or other object. The most recent episode was two nights ago when I thought I had swallowed my tongue. I nearly always put my fingers down my throat in panic which causes pain and redness.

I feel depressed about these things happening. I haven't seen my doctor about it. Doctors always try to prescribe tablets but I'm thinking all I need is to talk to somebody who understands and can help.

What self help remedies should I try? Any ideas? :wacko:

29-03-10, 12:42
have a warm bath relax listen to some ,calming music ,, lavenderoil on your pillow is very good ,it works helps you drift off ,, , when you wake up feeling like you do its panic ,so when it happend tell yourself its just panic it wont harm me ,

29-03-10, 13:15
Thanks Gypsywomen I'll certainly try out your advice. I try to tell myself it's panic, sometimes it calms me down. I always manage to disturb the family when I awake and it doesn't seem fair.
The night panics are worse than the day time panic attacks :weep:

29-03-10, 13:58
Hello Amieekid,

I value your advice, and agree, the night panics are much much worse than day time panics.
Do you stay awake until you are more tired or until an attack has occured?
It has got to a stage where I hate going to bed now.
Sometimes I sleep on the chair in the living room, in the hope that I will sleep easier.
It puts lots of strain on relationships and gives me more to worry about.

Maybe the whole thing is related to the stress of life? :)