View Full Version : Hello everybody

29-03-10, 13:55
Hello there, my name is Steve and have suffered from anxiety for just over 10 years. Still to this day I find it debilitating at times but am determined to not let it rule my life.

I've joined this forum to hopefully get support and offer support to others where I can. I think this is a brilliant website and am looking forward to becoming friends with you all and working through this together :)

29-03-10, 13:57
Hi pugsport

A huge warm welcome to nmp.

You'll get loads of advice and support here and make some lovely friends along the way.

Best wishes

29-03-10, 20:15
Hello Steve and welcome to nmp. You will get lots of support here from people who can understand exactly how you are feeling and you'll realise that you're not alone. :welcome:
Myra x

29-03-10, 20:56
hi steve and welcome i am to new and only just joined this group , been looking at it on and off for months as it looks great so decided to get myself joined
i to have had anxiety for 11 years and a few long breaks from it but then comes back ,, hopefully we will get sorted and make some good friends that understand ,, good luckx

30-03-10, 07:30
Hi Debbz

Sounds like your in the same boat as me, I wish you all the best and fingers crossed for a speedy recovery for us both! :)

30-03-10, 07:55
Hi Steve,

You are in the right place, you will find comfort in taliking to people feeling the same as you do and it really does help.

Welcome and take care.

30-03-10, 08:29
Hi Steve,

This sure is the best place to meet people who suffer(ed) with anxiety, panic and depression for some time.
Talking to people who know how you feel is such a great support and help in recovery!!!

Veronica H
30-03-10, 09:03
:welcome:Steve. Glad that you have found us.
