View Full Version : Year long headache

29-03-10, 14:34
I’ve just had the all clear following another set of test results and I know I should be relieved but part of me would like to have something wrong with me just to put an end to all the worry!

I have been suffering from headaches for a year now. They originally started in March 2009 after I banged my head on a kitchen cupboard door – just a small bang, I wasn’t sick, didn’t black out etc and the headaches didn’t start until 3 days later.

I have felt dizzy, light headed, had out of body experiences. Concentrating at work is difficult and I have started to feel really detached from my personal life – I don’t get enjoyment out of things anymore and find it hard to socialise. My scalp is so tender and the crown of my head is sore, it feels like I have a lead weight on my head! I also have headache pain in my forehead and above my ears on both sides – doc seems to think this is tension headache but do they really last 1 year!

I have had several doctors appointments, even changed to a different practice. I have seen a neurologist and had an MRI scan which was normal. I just want a cause or reason for why I have a headache almost every day!

My GP has now prescribed me amitryptaline which is helping me to sleep but I don’t feel like it’s doing a lot for my headaches, I’ve only been taking it 2 weeks so far.

I have had tests for diabetes, thyroid (I had 2/3 of my thyroid gland removed 4 years ago but take no meds) and the latest test was to check for inflammation – rheumatoid etc.

I had a period of anxiety a few years back following the tyroid surgery, GP put this down to my body adjusting hormone levels etc but it took a good year and a half for me to stop having palpitations / panic attacks. After that life went back to normal and I had 2 years of nothing so can’t understand why it might have come back!

Everyone keeps telling me this is anxiety again but it feels so different to before, I'm terrified I have a brain tumour or MS or something which wasn’t picked up on the MRI and is going unnoticed which is going to affect me for the rest of my life. I feel like I'm going crazy I have so many thoughts spinning around in my head, I have seen a counsellor at work which help a little. I find it so hard to talk to friends or family about it because it just sounds like I’m moaning all the time but the chronic headache is making it hard to deal with normal day to day things.

If anyone has experienced / is experiencing a similar thing or has some words of wisdom I would love to hear from you.

29-03-10, 14:51
Seriously I have/had this. Mine was more localized to one side of my head, came on suddenly and never left, took on all my thoughts, I spent over 10k last yr trying to get rid of it. Since it was more facial pain like I was tested for mS, thus my never ending fear of it began. I can tell you i truly nelieve mine is tension related as I began to get threw it a little it would let up.
Yours sounds classic tension try massage (trigger points google this at round earth publishing VERY eye opening), yoga and stretching every morning.
So yes mine was conssitant for over a yr I still get it but ignore it and it is passing easier. Anxiety & tension can do u dirty.

29-03-10, 15:03
I agree, I think it is tension. I had mine for quite a while and also went through a series of tests for everything, of course nothing came back. I did learn that by the way we sit when we are anxious has a lot to do with it. Most anxious people bunch their shoulders without realizing it and it cause severe tension in the head. I know the pain is unbearable. Also remember that anxiety plays on the thing we fear the most. I also had the dizziness and my head felt like it was in a vise. Try rolling your shoulders out and be concious of the way you sit. It will go away, I am proof of that. Take care and I hope it gets better for you.

29-03-10, 18:01
Same, mine is going on 8 months now. 5 neurologists, many tests and imaging, everything shows I'm healthy. I've had sinus pressure, pressure in my forehead, feels like there's a towel wrapped around my head and a brick sitting on top of it. I also get points of pressure right above my eyebrows. This made me crazy for a while and sent my anxiety out of control and ruined my life for a while. It doesn't have to, it'll be okay. Mine is getting better now that I've learned to relax and meditate. You'll be ok.



29-03-10, 18:03
About 10 years ago, I had a three month headache. In the end, after numerous visits to the docs it turned out to be a sinus infection - any chance of it being that? Esp as it caused me to feel dizzy

28-04-10, 09:42
I am in this boat -mine has been 9 months, with all the neuro tests/scans etc. Chiro helped me but it is back a bit - it's very disheartening. :( x x x