View Full Version : Panic, tinnitus and other anxiety fears

29-03-10, 15:35
Hi Guys

I'm having a really bad time of it at the mo. My worst anxiety for about 5 years. I started having really bad panics last night, and now I'm scared of having more.

I've also been obsessing about my tinnitus and convincing myself that it'll never go away and that I'll never be able to cope and that it'll send me mad. I know these are silly thoughts but I can't stop thinking them, and that makes me panic more.

I've gone to the doctor who was no help, and offered nothing to help me. I did call my companies Carefirst freephone line and the lady gave me some breathing exercises and some ways to deal with automatic negative thoughts. She also suggested I got counselling.

I'm off to Australia for two weeks on Thursday with my husband for a friends wedding. I really want to be able to cope and I don't want to ruin the holiday.

Can anyone give me some advice and support?

thank you xx

29-03-10, 15:40
go to RNID website - they have a lot of info on tinnitus

It's perfectly normal :) hope you have a fab time in Oz

29-03-10, 19:53
Thank you Cherrychick. I'll have a look at the website.

30-03-10, 00:23
Have you always had tinnitus or is it a symptom from anxiety? I know ringing in the ears is a symptom of anxiety so not really "real" tinnitus. I suggest if its from anxiety you dont go to the RNID website because it made me worse when I first started getting ringing in my ears. Just to let you know my ears are not damaged by loud noise or trauma and no hearing loss etc. My own gp and anxiety counselor said it is stress induced and just a symptom of my anxiety and it shall pass.

let me know how you get on :)


30-03-10, 00:57
Hi scaredycat............I also have ringing in my ears,the doc run tests and nothing.He put it down to anxiety,but I am still not convinced.I am in Queensland and hope you have a great time in my beautiful country.Take care.:flowers:

30-03-10, 01:00
I met to say to Kez,have a great time in Aus.........sorry.......I am blonde...LOL:doh:

30-03-10, 07:47
Thanks guys.

I have always had tinnitus which is why it's so silly that I'm panicking over this particular new 'noise'!

I think i'm going to try my hardest to listen to other sounds and not focus on my tinnitus, easier said than done but I have to start somewhere right.

Still scared this morning though. Need to sort that out too.


30-03-10, 08:48
best meds for this is betamistine 16mg IT s helps stop noise, and controls.dizzy feeling i take them there very good ask your docter