View Full Version : Please can somebody help me, I've got in a bit of a state

29-03-10, 18:38
Hi. I'm sorry for posting something so silly, but I've got myself in a real state. I have a bad phobia of being sick which i'm having counselling for to help manage, and it's going ok. But all the bugs that are about are making me a nervous wreck.

I was at work today and a colleague was fine on minute, but the next was being sick loads. She went home straight away and stuff but i am so scared i will pick it up. I went over to her desk for something beforehand but was only there for about half a minute. And being a vomit phobe i'm really good with the hand gels and take vitamnins and vitamin c. But i'm so terrified. I had a panic attack at work and everything.

I guess I just want a bit of reassurance that i might not get it. I didn;t toch any of her things, but i daren't eat now and keep bursting into tears. I didn;t dare use the toilet all day so had to go in the mens.

Is it possible to have a sickness bug and not be sick, just feel it? I'm so scred. Please help

29-03-10, 18:57
oh deaaar, i would of ran of screaming & crying, i wunt ov gone ANYWHERE near her desk i wud of gone home aswell ;L
i think ur very brave, and not to worry, ur good with the hand gels & vitamins, just like me :) keep drinking pure orange hehe, you should be fine x

29-03-10, 19:33
oh deaaar, i would of ran of screaming & crying, i wunt ov gone ANYWHERE near her desk i wud of gone home aswell ;L
i think ur very brave, and not to worry, ur good with the hand gels & vitamins, just like me :) keep drinking pure orange hehe, you should be fine x

i did, i panicked and cried :weep: i was only at her desk before she was sick. She was ok at first. I'm just praying I don't get it :weep: x

29-03-10, 22:10
you'll be fine :)

29-03-10, 22:28
Hi Mel - the chances are it was food poisoning she had and not a bug - you can't catch food poisoning! Just think along those lines and stop worrying please! x

29-03-10, 23:05
i have just posted a similar thread, i would feel exactly the same as you, but chances are you will be fine. and if you feel sick it is probably from anxiety as that is what happens to me all the time! x